

How Program Launcher is Organized

Program Launcher is divided into two files.

The first file program_launcher.ahk contains

  • The initialization code.
  • A label which displays a command prompt when the hotkey is pressed. (If the user types a known command here, this label runs the associated action. The hotkey is read from the savefile.)
  • A class containing functions to read and write to the .ini savefile.
  • The default text for the savefile, and code to create a vanilla savefile. (A default savefile is created when program launcher’s script file doesn’t find a savefile in the folder where its script lives.)

The second file program_launcher_settings_window.ahk contains

  • The GUI code for the main settings window.
  • The GUI code for the popup window to configure actions.
  • The GUI code for the popup window to configure commands.

When program_launcher.ahk is run, it automatically imports the code contained in program_launcher_settings_window.ahk.


You need both program_launcher.ahk and program_launcher_settings_window.ahk to run this app.
(Place them in the same folder, but that folder can be anywhere).

Project Folder
Sample Settings File

To download these individual files on GitHub:

  1. Navigating to the file you want.
  2. Right-click the button that says Raw.
  3. Click “Save Link As…” and save your script file.



If you want to look at AutoHotkey scripts in a text editor with highlighted code, see the links at the bottom of my AutoHotkey Resources section.

Read The Full Script On This Page

In this section, you can read the entire code for program_launcher.ahk and program_launcher_settings_window.ahk.


Folding and Unfolding:

You can expand and contract sections of code in the scripts below.

For Program Launcher, I’ve collapsed the classes and functions on this page since this script is so long.

Look for the blocks that look like this
      and click either the arrow or the text.

And the code inside that block

will be revealed!



Scrolling Horizontally (On PC):

If your mouse has a wheel, you can scroll horizontally using the mouse. Place your mouse cursor over the code, hold shift, then move the wheel up or down.

If you are using a laptop which supports two-finger-scrolling, hold shift and move two fingers up or down on the touchpad (both in the same direction), and the region under the mouse will scroll horizontally.

This only works if

  1. The mouse is hovering over the area to scroll.
  2. The area under the mouse has a horizontal scroll bar.

If nothing happens, then your window is big enough to display the entire width of the box. (In this scenario, horizontal scroll bar will be greyed out, if it exists).

Quick Navigation (On PC):

I’ve used the HTML <details> tag to add text folding to:
  • these Hint boxes,
  • the blue-outlined boxes below (which contain entire scripts),
  • and blocks of AutoHotkey code { with curly braces }.

On PC, you can quickly navigate between these foldable <details> tags:

  1. First click any block of code or text which has a folding arrow to activate it.

  2. Once you’ve activated one of the folding text blocks, you can use Tab to go to the next foldable region, and Shift+Tab to go to the previous region. If the region is outside your current view, your browser will scroll the window for you.

  3. After pressing (Shift+) Tab, the selected region should be outlined by your web browser. Press Space when a region is outlined to toggle its fold/unfold state!

Note 1:

”Quick Navigation (On PC)” was the last thing you clicked, then the <details> containing this block is currently activated. Go ahead and try pressing Tab now!

Note 2:

This navigation trick only works after clicking a foldable region, or clicking somewhere in the middle of the page, outside of the sidebar. If you load the page then immediately press
Tab, the Table of Contents in the Sidebar will be outlined first. If this happens, click a foldable text block to change the activated region, then use Tab.


            ;                                     ;
            ;           PUBLIC DOMAIN             ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;       This file is released         ;
            ;       under the cc0 license.        ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;   Written by:                       ;
            ;                    Gamepad-Coder    ;
            ;                                     ;

;  program_launcher.ahk                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;                                                     version 2         ;
;                                                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;   ====================                                                ;
;    About the program:                                                 ;
;   ====================                                                ;
;                                                                       ;
;      ----------------                                                 ;
;       What it does:                                                   ;
;      ----------------                                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;       program_launcher.ahk is a small utility                         ;
;       to reduce the number of steps to                                ;
;                                                                       ;
;         (1) open programs or                                          ;
;         (2) navigate to folders                                       ;
;             (by opening the folder                                    ;
;              in a new Windows Explorer window).                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;       You can register a word or phrase as a [Command]                ;
;       which program_launcher.ahk will associate with an [Action].     ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Program Launcher's main hotkey will open a small popup.         ;
;       Type a Command into the popup, then press enter                 ;
;       and your Action will run!                                       ;
;                                                                       ;
;    --------------------------------------                             ;
;     See the function Default_Save_File()                              ;
;     at the bottom of this file to read:                               ;
;    --------------------------------------                             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       () an overview,                                                 ;
;       () user guide,                                                  ;
;       () and syntax for the sections of the settings file             ;
;                                                                       ;
;       Note:                                                           ;
;                                                                       ;
;       This script does provide a graphic user interface               ;
;       to change settings, so the syntax guide is mainly for           ;
;       debugging and users who want to understand the script better.   ;
;                                                                       ;

;                                                ;
;             begin autorun section              ;
;                                                ;
;---------; ; ? ; ;---------------------------------------------------------; ; For more information about the "auto-execute section" ; ; at the beginning of an AutoHotkey script, see: ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------;
#SingleInstance Force SetWinDelay, -1 SetControlDelay, -1 ; ; more info: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AHK_DIR := "C:\[autohotkey]\"
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; variables ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; [_savefile_path] ; ; Default name of the settings file from which ; program_launcher.ahk loads settings and saved commands. ; ; This filename can be changed here. ; ; ; [_savefile__default_content] ; ; Holds the default text to insert into ; the %_savefile_path%.ini file. ; ; ; [_hotkey_for_commandline_popup] ; ; Assigned by .ini settings, by default <^#Space> ; If unlisted in .ini ; then automatically assigned to default. ; ; Program is useless without at least this, ; so it can't be omitted. ; ; Edge cases with buggy AHK scripts can result in blocking ; keyboard or mouse input. But for normal use this hotkey ; will always allow the user to exit the application: ; - by opening the command prompt ; - then typing the Command associated with Quit. ; ; ; [_hotkey_for_quit] ; ; Assigned via .ini, by default <^#Q>. ; If unlisted in .ini ; then there will be no hotkey assigned ; to quit program_launcher.ahk ; ; If unlisted, program can be quit: ; (1) by right clicking the Notification Tray icon ; for program_launcher.ahk, then selecting quit, ; ; or ; ; (2) by opening the commandline popup ; then entering the command assigned to the Quit aciton. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
_o_Gui_ProgramLauncher_UserInputCommand_Popup := "" _o_Gui_Config_Main := "" _o_Gui_Config_Popup := "" _o_Gui_Config_IconPicker := "" _COMMANDS := {} _ACTIONS := {} _ICON_INDEX := 138 _savefile_path := "program_launcher_settings.ini" _savefile__default_content := "" _hotkey_for_commandline_popup := "" _hotkey_for_settings := "" _hotkey_for_reload := "" _hotkey_for_quit := "" FILE_HELPER.Load_Settings() Menu, Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, %_ICON_INDEX% return ;================================; ; </> end of autorun section ; ;================================; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;================================================; ; ; ; Hotkeys ; ; ; ;================================================; ;=======================================================; ; (KEY) AutoHotkey hotkey syntax : ; ;=======================================================; ; ; ; + shift ; ; ^ ctrl ; ; # win ; ; ! alt ; ; ; ; For more information see: ; ; ; ; ; ;=======================================================; ;---------------------------------------------; ; These hotkeys are dynamically assigned ; ; from the settings file when the app starts. ; ;---------------------------------------------; ; ; ^#Space:: ; ProgramLauncherPopupCommand ; return ; ; ^#!q:: ; ProgramLauncherQuit ; return ; TODO ; ; Ran out of time, ; going to add this to the settings file in the next version. ; ^#!r:: Reload return ;==================================; ; </> end of Hotkey definitions ; ;==================================; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;================================================; ; ; ; Labels ; ; ; ;================================================; ;====================== ; Quit ;====================== ProgramLauncherQuit: ExitApp return ;=================================================== ; SETTINGS ; ;-> Open the window to configure Program Launcher. ;=================================================== OpenConfigurationWindow: _o_Gui_Config_Main := new GuiConfigMain return ;====================================================== ; Reload Settings Window ; ; -> Reloads the configuration window ; in order to display a new icon in the title bar. ;======================================================
ReloadConfigurationWindow: {}
;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When the user selects a new Icon, ; the Configuration Gui should reflect this change. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Progression: ; ; 1. The user changes the program's icon using ; the "Settings" tab of the Configuration Gui ; 2. The Configuration Gui's class stores the user's choice ; in the global _ICON_INDEX variable. ; 3. The Config Gui calls this label. ; 4. This label deletes both the Configuration Window's ; global object instance & the Config Window Gui. ; 5. This label re-creates the Config Window's object & Gui. ; 6. The Config Window is told to change to the "Settings" tab. ; 7. The Config Window now has a new icon and the user is still ; oriented and on the same tab. ; ; Aesthetically, this implementation is a bit choppy in presentation, ; but it's a simple way to accomplish changing the icon ; without telling the user ; ; "This will be reflected the next time you run this application." ; ; Alternatively: ; ; It seems like a title bar icon can be changed at runtime ; without destroying the gui by using .dll calls, ; but I haven't personally researched this. ; ; Further reading: ; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
_o_Gui_Config_Main := "" _o_Gui_Config_Main := new GuiConfigMain _o_Gui_Config_Main.Fn_Change_to_Settings_Tab() return }
;====================== ; Command Line Popup ;======================
ProgramLauncherPopupCommand: {}
;--------------------------------------------------------- ; This label creates the "Command Line" popup ; where the user can type a Command to trigger an Action. ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If the Command exists and is not disabled, ; then the Action associated with the Command is run, ; and the popup is closed. ; ; If the Command is disabled, or text is typed ; which does not match any Command, ; then the popup silently closes. ;---------------------------------------------------------
box_title := "Program Launcher!" box_prompt := "`nEnter your command... : ) " box_option_noHide := "" box_width := 300 box_height := 150 Inputbox, userEnteredString , %box_title% , %box_prompt% , %box_option_noHide% , %box_width% , %box_height% ; , X ; , Y ; , Font ; , Timeout ; , Default string for editable field ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; If the user hits cancel or escape, ; then don't process the entered text. ; ;
if( 0 != ErrorLevel ){} return }
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey( userEnteredString ) ){} cmd := _COMMANDS[ userEnteredString ] ;------------------------------------------ ; If a Command is disabled, it will still ; exist in the app at runtime, but ; calls to run it will be ignored here: ;
if( false == cmd["enabled"] ){} return }
else{} run_action_id := cmd["action_id"] gosub RunActionID }
return }
;====================== ; Run Action ;======================
RunActionID: {}
;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This is the only place in the code ; where Actions are actually run. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This label is separate from the "ProgramLauncherPopupCommand" label ; to allow the user to run Actions from both of these windows: ; ; (1) from the Command input popup ; (2) from the Actions tab of the Configuration Gui. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Currently, the only two Actions which call internal functions ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; for Program Launcher are Quit & Settings. ; ; The Quit Action : ; - closes any opened popups ; - unassigns any hotkeys registered by the app ; - and terminates the application. ; ; The Settings Action will open ; a window for the user to interactively : ; - add, edit, and remove Actions & Commands ; - enable or disable Commands ; - change settings, including which icon to ; display (this icon appears in the title bar ; and in the Notification Area of the Windows Taskbar). ;
if( run_action_id == "QUIT" ){} ExitApp }
else if( cmd.action_id == "SETTINGS" ){} gosub OpenConfigurationWindow }
;------------------------------------------------------- ; For all other Actions ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Either: ; - a specific folder is opened or ; - a specific app is run ; optionally with added arguments / parameters ; ; For example, if your Chrome web browser ; has multiple profiles, you can tell it to load ; for a specific user by using the argument: ; ; --profile-directory="Profile 2" ;
else if( _ACTIONS.HasKey( run_action_id ) ){} act := _ACTIONS[ run_action_id ] act_path := act["path"] act_type := act["type"] act_arg := act["arg"]
if( "folder" == act_type ){} run explorer.exe "%act_path%" }
else if( "app" == act_type ){} run "%act_path%" %act_arg% }
return }
;===============================; ; </> end of Label section ; ;===============================; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;===========================================================; ; ; ; ; ; Class - Savefile Parser & Writer functions ; ; ; ; ; ;===========================================================;
;==================================================================== ; About the FILE_HELPER class ;==================================================================== ; ; FILE_HELPER contains all the functionality to ; ; (1) Read the settings file. ; (2) Create a settings file if it doesn't exist. ; (3) Update the settings file when the user changes ; settings in the CONFIG graphic user interface window. ; ; When the app is initialized, FILE_HELPER is called ; to read the savefile. ; ; When the user alters a setting in the CONFIG window, ; FILE_HELPER is called with the new setting name and value ; updates the savefile, then tells the GUI window to proceed. ; ; The GUI knows about the COMMANDS and ACTIONS arrays, ; but it knows nothing of the savefile nor functions to ; alter the savefile. By organizing the app like this, ; functionality is modular and isolated, and each class ; has a specific scope it acts within, instead of having ; one giant class of spaghetti code which handles ; all types of functionality. This is cleaner and easier ; to both maintain and extend. ; ; ; REGULAR EXPRESSIONS: ; ; FILE_HELPER uses Regular Expressions extensively. ; ; I have tried to add annotations and breakdowns, ; but if you're unfamiliar with Regular Expressions ; (or if you're unfamiliar with programming in general) ; this section might seem a bit arcane without further study. ; ; If you are unfamiliar with Regular Expressions, ; here are some resources to help you get started: ; ; () is a phenomenal tool for ; learning, writing, and debugging Regular Expressions. ; ; () AutoHotkey's RegEx Quick Reference ; is a great resource for starting. ; ; And the AHK documentation for RegExReplace and RegExMatch ; should help you understand this section better. ; ; ; ; ; ; () Finally, if you're planning on using Regular Expressions ; in AutoHotkey long-term, or for complicated use cases: ; ; AHK Forum user "jeeswg" has created an EPIC tutorial post ; detailing how to use Regular Expressions in AutoHotkey ; in great and exhaustive detail: ; ; ; ; Shoutout to jeeswg and thanks for all your excellent posts. ; ; ; NOTE: ; ; This class is not meant to be instantiated as an object. ; It could have been a collection of isolated functions ; at the toplevel of this script, but for long scripts this ; quickly becomes noisy. ; ; I grouped these functions together in a class to improve ; readability, organization, and to enable NotePad++'s ; code-block folding to quickly expand or contract ; thematically related sections of code. ; ;====================================================================
class FILE_HELPER {} static init__ar_duplicate_actions_found := [] static init__ar_duplicate_commands_found := []
Load_Settings() {} FILE_HELPER.Initialize_Load_Savefile() FILE_HELPER.Init_Validate_and_Prompt_User_if_Errors() }
;======================================================================; ; About Initialize_Load_Savefile() ; ;======================================================================; ; ; ; ---------- ; ; First ; ; ---------- ; ; ; ; When the script begins, ; ; the Auto-Execute section at the very beginning of this file ; ; initializes some global variables, then immediately calls ; ; FILE_HELPER.Load_Settings(), which then calls this function. ; ; ; ; Before Program Launcher can be useful, it needs to be initialized. ; ; Here, FILE_HELPER reads the settings file into memory. ; ; ; ; --------------------------------------- ; ; Missing settings file? No problem. ; ; --------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() will create a default savefile ; ; if the settings file does not exist. ; ; ; ; For pre-existing and newly added savefiles, ; ; the process from that point is identical. ; ; ; ; ----------------------------- ; ; What is initialized here? ; ; ----------------------------- ; ; ; ; The settings file will be read into the program's memory: ; ; ; ; (1) settings will be assigned ; ; (such as the icon to display in the notification area), ; ; ; ; (2) hotkeys will be assigned, ; ; ; ; (3) Commands will be registered with their Action to call ; ; ; ; (4) Actions will be registered with their function to run. ; ; ; ; ----------------------------------------------------- ; ; Comments a.k.a Ignored lines in the settings file ; ; ----------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; This parsing function will ignore ; ; any line beginning with a ';' in the settings file: ; ; ; ; (a) This allows the user to comment out sections of ; ; the settings file which they wish to keep, ; ; but don't want to keep active. ; ; ; ; (b) This comment/ignore-a-line feature ; ; allows me to embed a tutorial into the settings file itself. ; ; ; ; --------------------------------- ; ; So how does the parsing work? ; ; --------------------------------- ; ; ; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() will look for ; ; three sections in the savefile: ; ; "Settings[", "Commands[" and "Actions[". ; ; ; ; The ([) open square bracket must be ; ; on the same line as the section title (Section[). ; ; ; ; Then there will be some lines following the start of a section ; ; which correspond to settings for that section. ; ; ; ; Then each section ends with a line which contains nothing ; ; but a "]" close square bracket. ; ; ; ; For example, the default Settings section ; ; in the settings file looks like this: ; ; ; ; SETTINGS[ ; ; icon: 95 ; ; hotkey_for_commandline_popup: ctrl win space ; ; hotkey_for_quit: ctrl win alt q ; ; ] ; ; ; ; ; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() will keep track of which section ; ; it is currently parsing within, ; ; ; ; and for each line it reads within a section, ; ; it will call one of these and pass the current line as a parameter: ; ; ; ; Init_Parse_Savefile_SettingsLine( current_line ) ; ; Init_Parse_Savefile_CommandLine( current_line ) ; ; Init_Parse_Savefile_ActionLine( current_line ) ; ; ; ; ; ;======================================================================;
Initialize_Load_Savefile() {} global
/* */ =============================================== Steps: =============================================== (1) See if Savefile exists. (2) Read Savefile into program memory (2.1) Ignore commented lines (any line beginning with a semicolon ';') (2.2) Look for one of these sections: 'settings[' 'commands[' 'actions[' (2.3) Parse each line as section til matching line beginning with ']' (and containing no other non-whitespace characters) is found : (2.4) Repeat til all 3 items in (2.2) are searched for (3) Defaults & Error Correction (3.1) if not (1), Generate default savefile Load default settings (3.2) if missing settings:'_hotkey_for_commandline_popup', Use default hotkey <Ctrl+Win+Space> if unable to get hotkey from settings:'_hotkey_for_commandline_popup', Exit Application and inform user how to debug. (This behaviour is intended to prevent pushing hotkey and overriding other AutoHotkey scripts.) (3.3) if missing settings:'icon' Use default icon (3.4) if missing command for quit or settings, if no conflict with other user commands: Add Command:'Quit':Quit Add Command:'Settings':Settings if user command conflicts with Quit or Settings notify as soon as init done. Done. */
;------------------------------------------- ; Create Savefile if it doesn't exist. ;-------------------------------------------
if( ! FileExist(_savefile_path) ){} ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Either 1st run, or user renamed, deleted, or moved savefile. ; Steps to take: ; ; (1) init _savefile__default_content ; (2) create default save file ;--------------------------------------------------------------- Default_Save_File() ; located at the bottom of this file. FileAppend, %_savefile__default_content%, %_savefile_path% }
;------------------------------------ ; Parse savefile into memory ;------------------------------------
if( FileExist(_savefile_path) ){} ; data := "" ; FileRead, data, %_savefile_path% str := "" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Parser's counter values: ; 0 when (section"[") not encountered ; 1 when (section"[") encountered and section lines being parsed ; 2 when ("]") has been encountered and finished processing section ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- counter_settings := 0 counter_commands := 0 counter_actions := 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; For more information about Regular Expressions, see: ; ; AHK Doc Pages: ; ; ; ; ; Online RegEx Tester + Guide: ; ; ; jeeswg's RegEx Tutorial: ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------- match_lines_beginning_with_semi := "^[ \t]*[;].*" match_entirely_whitespace_lines := "^[ \t]*$" match_settings := "i)^[ \t]*SETTINGS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" match_commands := "i)^[ \t]*COMMANDS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" match_actions := "i)^[ \t]*ACTIONS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" match_close_set_group := "i)^[ \t]*\][ \t]*$" str_for_usr_output := "" FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found := [] FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found := [] ;--------------------------------------------- ; Read _program_launcher_settings.ini, ; one line at a time. ;
Loop, Read, %_savefile_path% {} is_comment := RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_lines_beginning_with_semi) is_empty := RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_entirely_whitespace_lines) is_empty := (A_LoopReadLine=="" or is_empty) ;-------------------------------------------------- ; (;) comment encountered ; or empty line (with entirely whitespace characters) encountered ; ; (;) at beginning of line or ; any number of whitespace (anynum spaces and/or anynum tabs) then (;) ;
if( is_comment or is_empty ){} continue }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; (settings[) encountered ; ; (settings), case insensitive ; followed by ([), spaces before, between, or after are ignored ;
else if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_settings) ){}
if( counter_settings == 0 and counter_actions != 1 and counter_commands != 1 ) {} ; Found "Settings[" && not in the middle of "Commands[" nor "Actions[" counter_settings := 1 continue }
else{} ; either ; section actions[ is open but not closed ; section commands[ is open but not closed ; duplicate line settings[ encountered ; when section settings[ is either already open or finished }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; (commands[) encountered ; ; (commands), case insensitive ; followed by ([), spaces before, between, or after are ignored ;
else if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_commands) ){}
if( counter_commands == 0 and counter_settings != 1 and counter_actions != 1 ) {} ; Found "Commands[" && not in the middle of "Settings[" nor "Actions[" counter_commands := 1 continue }
else{} ; either ; section settings[ is open but not closed ; section actions[ is open but not closed ; duplicate line commands[ encountered ; when section commands[ is either already open or finished }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; (actions[) encountered ; ; (actions), case insensitive ; followed by ([), spaces before, between, or after are ignored ;
else if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_actions) ){}
if( counter_actions == 0 and counter_commands != 1 and counter_settings != 1 ) {} ; Found "Actions[" && not in the middle of "Commands[" nor "Settings[" counter_actions := 1 continue }
else{} ; either ; section commands[ is open but not closed ; section settings[ is open but not closed ; duplicate line actions[ encountered ; when section actions[ is either already open or finished }
;---------------------------------- ; (]) encountered while inside either ; ; (settings[), ; (commands[), or ; (actions[) ;
else if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_close_set_group) ){} ; ? set counter to 2 if just closed that section, ; : otherwise leave unaltered counter_settings := (counter_settings==1) ? 2 : counter_settings counter_commands := (counter_commands==1) ? 2 : counter_commands counter_actions := (counter_actions ==1) ? 2 : counter_actions }
;---------------------------------- ; (anything else) encountered while inside either ; ; (settings[), ; (commands[), or ; (actions[) ;
if( counter_settings == 1 ){} FILE_HELPER.Init_Parse_Savefile_SettingsLine( A_LoopReadLine ) }
else if( counter_commands == 1 ){} FILE_HELPER.Init_Parse_Savefile_CommandLine( A_LoopReadLine ) }
else if( counter_actions == 1 ){} FILE_HELPER.Init_Parse_Savefile_ActionLine( A_LoopReadLine ) }
return }
;=================================; ; ; ; HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR ; ; ; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() ; ; ; ;=================================;
Init_Parse_Savefile_SettingsLine( full_line_text ) {} global _ICON_INDEX match_set_icon := "i)^[ \t]*icon[ \t]*:[ \t]*(\d+)[ \t]*$" match_set_hot_pop := "i)^[ \t]*hotkey_for_commandline_popup[ \t]*:[ \t]*((\w+[ \t]*)+)$" match_set_hot_quit := "i)^[ \t]*hotkey_for_quit[ \t]*:[ \t]*((\w+[ \t]*)+)$" ; extract text, ignoring leading spaces before first non-whitepace character line := RegExReplace(full_line_text, "(^[ \t]*)(.*)", "$2") int_icon := RegExReplace(line, match_set_icon, "$1", found_icon) str_hot_pop := RegExReplace(line, match_set_hot_pop, "$1", found_pop ) str_hot_quit := RegExReplace(line, match_set_hot_quit, "$1", found_quit)
if( found_icon ){} _ICON_INDEX := int_icon }
else if( found_pop or found_quit ) {} which_hotkey := (found_pop) ? "commandline_popup" : "quit" ssv_key_list := (found_pop) ? str_hot_pop : str_hot_quit ; ssv similar to csv, space separated values FILE_HELPER.Init_Parse_Settings_Hotkey(which_hotkey, ssv_key_list, line) }
return }
Init_Parse_Savefile_CommandLine( full_line_text ) {} global _ACTIONS global _COMMANDS ;----------------------------- ; Command syntax in savefile: ; ; Command: decimal ; ; Example: ; ; godot: 1 ;----------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Remove leading and trailing tabs around the "Command:##" phrase ; line := RegExReplace(full_line_text, "(^[ \t]*)(.*)[ \t]*$", "$2") match_command_colon_actionID_optionallyAlsoDisableFlag := "" . "i)^[ \t]*(\\BEGIN_LITERAL\\)?(.*)\:[ \t]*(QUIT|SETTINGS|[\d]+)[ \t]*(DISABLED|disable|;|x)?$" RegExMatch( line , match_command_colon_actionID_optionallyAlsoDisableFlag , matched_subpattern_ ) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; `matched_subpattern_1` is just to catch the flag "\BEGIN_LITERAL\" ; which tells parser to include spaces after the flag ; as part of the Command's text. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- cmd := matched_subpattern_2 aID := matched_subpattern_3 disable_flag := matched_subpattern_4 cmd_enabled := true
if("DISABLE" = disable_flag or "Disabled" = disable_flag or ";" = disable_flag or "x" = disable_flag ){} cmd_enabled := false }
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){} ; add to list of things to notify user about FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found.Push( {"cmd":cmd, "line":line} ) }
else{} _COMMANDS[cmd] := { "action_id":aID, "enabled":cmd_enabled } }
; debug_output := "Command matched`n " ; debug_output .= "1 [" matched_subpattern_1 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "2 [" matched_subpattern_2 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "3 [" matched_subpattern_3 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "4 [" cmd_enabled "] `n " ; msgBOX % debug_output return }
Init_Parse_Savefile_ActionLine( full_line_text ) {} global _ACTIONS global _COMMANDS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Command syntax in savefile: ; ; Action, Folder or File, "Path", (Optionally "arguments" if file) ; ; Example: ; ; 1, Folder, "C:/[Godot]/" ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Get contents of line without leading spaces and tabs. ; line := RegExReplace(full_line_text, "(^[ \t]*)(.*)[ \t]*$", "$2") ;------------------------------------------- ch_quote := """" ; AutoHotkey Info: ;------------------------------------------- ; Two quotes not separated by a space ("") ; within a string resolves to a single ("). ; Added this var for improved readability. ;------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RegEx Key ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ? quantifier: match preceeding token zero or one times ; * quantifier: match preceeding token zero or more times ; [ \t] : match a character from this group, space or tab ; [\d] : match any decimal digit, 0-9 ; [^"] : match any character which is not a quote character (") ; a|bc|d : match if find one case from the|alternatives|list ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- match_program_launcher_behaviour_action := "" ; match either SETTINGS or QUIT (case insensitive from the "i)" flag) ; surrounded by zero or more spaces and tabs ; and nothing else on the line. . "i)^[ \t]*(SETTINGS|QUIT)[ \t]*$" match_csv_actionID_appOrFolder_path_optionallyAlsoArg := "" ; match leading spaces and tabs ([ \t]), zero or more (*) . "i)^[ \t]*" ; match ActionID, integer digits ([\d]) one or more (+) . "([\d]+)" ; ^ $captureGroup1 ; match comma (,) after ActionID ; surrounded by zero or more (*) spaces and tabs ([ \t]) . "[ \t]*,[ \t]*" ; match ActionType (case insensitive from the "i)" flag) ; if this position contains one|of|the|following . "(Folder|Application|App)" ; ^ $captureGroup2 ; match comma (,) after ActionType ; surrounded by zero or more (*) spaces and tabs ([ \t]) . "[ \t]*,[ \t]*" ; match ; (") quote character, ; then any number(*) of non-quote characters ([^"]), ; then (") quote character . ch_quote "([^" ch_quote "]*)" ch_quote ; ^ $captureGroup3 ; (capture group 4) ; (match comma (,) after ActionPath ; surrounded by zero or more (*) spaces and tabs ([ \t]) ; then match anything else (.*) til the end of the line) ; ) and find this parenthesized pattern exactly zero or one times (?) . "([ \t]*,[ \t]*(.*))?$" ; ^ $captureGroup5 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Equivalent to assigining from this string: ; ; match_csv_actionID_appOrFolder_path_optionallyAlsoArg := "" ; ; . "i)^[ \t]*([\d]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*(Folder|Application|App)[ \t]*," ; . "[ \t]*""([^""]*)""([ \t]*,[ \t]*(.*)[ \t]*)?$" ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------
if( found_match := RegExMatch( line , match_csv_actionID_appOrFolder_path_optionallyAlsoArg , matched_subpattern_ ) ) {} aID := matched_subpattern_1 appOrFolder := matched_subpattern_2 aPathUnquoted := matched_subpattern_3 aArg := matched_subpattern_5 appOrFolder := ( appOrFolder = "Application" or appOrFolder == "App" ) ? "app" : appOrFolder appOrFolder := ( appOrFolder == "Folder" ) ? "folder" : appOrFolder
if( "" != aPathUnquoted ){} aPathUnquoted:= FILE_HELPER.Fn_Standardize_Path_String(aPathUnquoted, appOrFolder) }
else if( found_match := RegExMatch( line , match_program_launcher_behaviour_action , matched_subpattern_ ) ) {} aID := matched_subpattern_1 appOrFolder := "" aPathUnquoted := "" aArg := ""
if( aID = "quit" ){} aID := "QUIT" }
else if( aID = "settings" ){} aID := "SETTINGS" }
if( _ACTIONS.HasKey(aID) ){} ; add to list of things to notify user about FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found.Push( {"action_id":aID, "line":line} ) }
else{} _ACTIONS[aID] := { "" . "type" : appOrFolder , "path" : aPathUnquoted , "arg" : aArg } }
; debug_output := "Action matched`n " ; debug_output .= "1 [" matched_subpattern_1 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "2 [" matched_subpattern_2 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "3 [" matched_subpattern_3 "] `n " ; debug_output .= "4 [" matched_subpattern_5 "] `n " ; msgBOX % debug_output return }
Init_Parse_Settings_Hotkey( hotkey_for:="commandline_popup|quit" , ssv_key_list:="" , full_line:="" ) {} global _hotkey_for_commandline_popup global _hotkey_for_settings global _hotkey_for_reload global _hotkey_for_quit ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Called exclusively from Initialize_Settings_And_Load_Saved_Commands ; p1: hotkey is either for quit or commandline popup ; p2: space sperated value list of keys to use for hotkey ; p3: currently parsed line of text from the savefile ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- found_shift := "" found_ctrl := "" found_win := "" found_alt := "" found_key := "" error_msg__changingInvalidHotkey := false str_for_output__all_found := ""
Loop, parse, ssv_key_list, %A_Tab%%A_Space% {}
if( A_LoopField = "SHIFT") {} found_shift := "+" str_for_output__all_found .= "shift " }
else if( A_LoopField = "CTRL" or A_LoopField = "control" ) {} found_ctrl := "^" str_for_output__all_found .= "ctrl " }
else if( A_LoopField = "WIN" or A_LoopField = "WINKEY" or A_LoopField = "WINDOWS" or A_LoopField = "WINDOWSKEY" ) {} found_win := "#" str_for_output__all_found .= "win " }
else if( A_LoopField = "ALT" ) {} found_alt := "!" str_for_output__all_found .= "alt " }
else if( found_key == "" ) {} found_key := A_LoopField str_for_output__all_found .= found_key " " }
else{} error_msg__changingInvalidHotkey := true }
;--------------------------------------- ; if no modifiers, exit app for safety ;
If( found_shift == "" and found_ctrl == "" and found_win == "" and found_alt == "" ) {} found_key := "" }
;------------------------------- ; Hotkey successfully found ; or successfully assigned by fudging away additional keys ;
if( found_key != "" ) {} hotkey_for_fn_will_be := found_shift . found_ctrl . found_win . found_alt . found_key ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hotkey list had more than one key which wasn't a modifier key (+^#!). ; ; Use any modifiers listed, and the first encountered non-modifier key. ; ; ; For example, ; ; _hotkey_for_quit: ctrl win q u i t ; ; would be condensed to, ; ; _hotkey_for_quit: ctrl win q ;
if( error_msg__changingInvalidHotkey ){} str_which := ""
if(hotkey_for =="commandline_popup"){} str_which := "_hotkey_for_commandline_popup" }
if(hotkey_for =="quit"){} str_which := "_hotkey_for_quit" }
str_for_usr_output := "program_launcher.ahk`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Your ( " str_which " ) line`n" str_for_usr_output .= "in _program_launcher_settings.ini`n" str_for_usr_output .= "has more than one non-modifier key.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "This would take a lot more code to account for.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Your settings file says:`n" str_for_usr_output .= " " full_line "`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "program_launcher.ahk will pretend it says:`n" str_for_usr_output .= " " str_which ": " str_for_output__all_found "`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "This hotkey will be reassigned to:.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " " . hotkey_for_fn_will_be . "`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "---------------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Modifier keys:`n" str_for_usr_output .= "---------------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= "[+] = Shift`n" str_for_usr_output .= "[^] = Control`n" str_for_usr_output .= "[#] = Win`n" str_for_usr_output .= "[ ! ] = Alt`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "See:`n`n" title := "[Error] Hotkey for Popup [in _program_launcher_settings.ini]" MSGBOX, 48, %title%, %str_for_usr_output% }
;------------------------------- ; Hotkey parse failure ; ; ExitApp if it was the popup hotkey ; Ignore and continue with no hotkey for others ;
if( hotkey_for == "commandline_popup" ){} str_for_usr_output := "program_launcher.ahk`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "--------------`n[ERROR]`n--------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Couldn't process the setting ""_hotkey_for_commandline_popup""`n" str_for_usr_output .= "in _program_launcher_settings.ini`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "program_launcher.ahk expects a line like this:`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " settings[`n" str_for_usr_output .= " _hotkey_for_commandline_popup: ctrl win space`n" str_for_usr_output .= " ]`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "With one or more modifier keys and one non-modifier.`n" str_for_usr_output .= "See`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "See details in program_launcher.ahk or `n" str_for_usr_output .= "_program_launcher_settings.ini for help.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "If you can't get it to work,`n" str_for_usr_output .= "try removing the entire line beginning with `n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " _hotkey_for_commandline_popup: (...)`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "and the default setting `n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " Control Win Space`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "will be used.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Program will now exit, sorry.`n" MSGBOX, 16, [ FATAL ERROR ], % str_for_usr_output ExitApp }
if( hotkey_for == "quit" ){} str_for_usr_output := "program_launcher.ahk`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Couldn't process the setting ""_hotkey_for_quit""`n" str_for_usr_output .= "in _program_launcher_settings.ini`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "program_launcher.ahk expects a line like this:`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " settings[`n" str_for_usr_output .= " _hotkey_for_quit: ctrl win q`n" str_for_usr_output .= " ]`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "With one or more modifier keys and one non-modifier.`n" str_for_usr_output .= "See`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "See details in program_launcher.ahk or `n" str_for_usr_output .= "_program_launcher_settings.ini for help.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "If you can't get program_launcher.ahk to run`n" str_for_usr_output .= "and you don't care about having a Quit hotkey,`n" str_for_usr_output .= "try removing the entire line beginning with: `n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " _hotkey_for_commandline_popup: (...)`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Alternatively this line should work:`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= " _hotkey_for_commandline_popup: ctrl win q`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Program will continue,`n" str_for_usr_output .= "with no hotkey assigned to Quit.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "To Exit:`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Right-click the Notification Tray icon`n" str_for_usr_output .= "and choose quit.`n`n" title := "[X] Couldn't read line _hotkey_for_quit in settings file" MSGBOX, 48, % title, % str_for_usr_output ExitApp }
;------------------------------- ; Hotkey assignment, ; and save var for use elsewhere. ;
if( hotkey_for == "commandline_popup" ){} _hotkey_for_commandline_popup := hotkey_for_fn_will_be Hotkey, %_hotkey_for_commandline_popup%, ProgramLauncherPopupCommand }
if( hotkey_for == "quit" ){} _hotkey_for_quit := hotkey_for_fn_will_be Hotkey, %_hotkey_for_quit%, ProgramLauncherQuit }
Init_Validate_and_Prompt_User_if_Errors() {} global ar_commands_without_valid_actions := [] ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; If user hasn't defined "SETTINGS" or "QUIT" as an action, ; that's okay, add them manually here to make both available. ; ; Do this before checking Commands for valid actions. ;
if( !_ACTIONS.HasKey("SETTINGS") ){} _ACTIONS["SETTINGS"] := { "" . "type" : "" , "path" : "" , "arg" : "" } }
if( !_ACTIONS.HasKey("QUIT") ){} _ACTIONS["QUIT"] := { "" . "type" : "" , "path" : "" , "arg" : "" } }
;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Now that all the Commands have been read from the savefile.ini ; if any Command links to a non-existant Action ; remove the Command and notify the user. ;
for cmd, cmd_dat in _COMMANDS{} aID := cmd_dat["action_id"]
if( !_ACTIONS.HasKey(aID) ){} ar_commands_without_valid_actions.Push(cmd) _COMMANDS.Delete(cmd) }
;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If any Command phrases were encountered more than once ; parser ignored the duplicates above, and made a list of them. ; ; Inform the user which entry was imported, and which were ignored. ;
if( 0 < FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found.Count() ){} ar_valid_cmds := {} ; only used here temporarily str_valid_cmds := "" str_invalid_cmds := "" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get a list of all valid Commands (which also have ignored duplicates) ;
for i, dupe in FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found {} ; FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found.Push( {"cmd":cmd, "line":line} ) dupeCmd := dupe["cmd"] dupeLine := dupe["line"]
if( !ar_valid_cmds.HasKey(dupeCmd) ){} str_valid_cmds .= "`t" str_valid_cmds .= dupeCmd ": " str_valid_cmds .= _COMMANDS[dupeCmd]["action_id"] " "
if( false == _COMMANDS[dupeCmd]["enabled"] ){} str_valid_cmds .= "DISABLED" }
str_valid_cmds .= "`n" ar_valid_cmds[ dupeCmd ] := true }
;------------------------------------------------- ; Get a list of all the ignored invalid Commands ;
for i, dupe in FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_commands_found {} str_invalid_cmds .= "`t" dupe["line"] "`n" }
;----------------------------------; ; Inform user ; ; ; msg_for_usr := "program_launcher.ahk`n`n" msg_for_usr .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n`n" msg_for_usr .= "Duplicate Commands were found.`n" msg_for_usr .= "The first time a Command is found, it's kept. `n`n" msg_for_usr .= "The following Commands were loaded:`n`n" msg_for_usr .= str_valid_cmds msg_for_usr .= "`nThe following duplicate lines were ignored:`n`n" msg_for_usr .= str_invalid_cmds Msgbox, 48, Error in Settings.ini, %msg_for_usr% }
; [~] TODO ; ; Some Actions have identical configurations. ; ; Would you like to remove the duplicates? ; ; (Any Command which references a duplicate Action ; will be rewired to the resulting unique Action.)
if( 0 < FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found.Count() ){} ar_valid_acts := {} str_valid_acts := "" str_invalid_acts := "" ch_quote := """"
for i, dupe in FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found {} ; FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found.Push( {"action_id":aID, "line":line} ) dupeAct := dupe["action_id"] dupeLine := dupe["line"]
if( !ar_valid_acts.HasKey(dupeAct) ){} str_valid_acts .= "`t" str_valid_acts .= dupeAct ", " str_valid_acts .= _ACTIONS[dupeAct]["type"] ", " str_valid_acts .= ch_quote str_valid_acts .= _ACTIONS[dupeAct]["path"] str_valid_acts .= ch_quote
if( "" != _ACTIONS[dupeAct]["arg"] ){} str_valid_acts .= ", " str_valid_acts .= _ACTIONS[dupeAct]["arg"] }
str_valid_acts .= "`n" ar_valid_acts[ dupeAct ] := true }
ar_valid_acts := ""
for i, dupe in FILE_HELPER.init__ar_duplicate_actions_found {} str_invalid_acts .= "`t" dupe["line"] "`n" }
msg_for_usr := "program_launcher.ahk`n`n" msg_for_usr .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n`n" msg_for_usr .= "Duplicate Actions were found.`n" msg_for_usr .= "The first time an Actions is found, it's kept. `n`n" msg_for_usr .= "The following Actions were loaded:`n`n" msg_for_usr .= str_valid_acts msg_for_usr .= "`nThe following duplicate lines were ignored:`n`n" msg_for_usr .= str_invalid_acts Msgbox, 48, Error in Settings.ini, %msg_for_usr% }
msg_for_usr := "" msg_for_usr .= "" msg_for_usr := "" msg_for_usr .= "" return }
;===================================; ; </> end of helper functions for ; ; ; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() ; ;===================================; ;--------------------------------------------------- ; This is a shorthand way to call Change_Savefile ; in order to enable a Command. ;
Change_Savefile__Enable_Command( command_to_enable ) {} ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax Reference ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; class: FILE_HELPER ; function: Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) ; ; p1: mode action|command ; p2: purpose add|delete|edit|enable|disable ; p2: action_id__or__cmd new Action's ID ; p2: cmd_name_before_rename only needed for edit Command popups ;------------------------------------------------------------------- p1 := "command" p2 := "enable" p3 := command_to_enable p4 := "" FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) return }
;--------------------------------------------------- ; This is a shorthand way to call Change_Savefile ; in order to disable a Command. ;
Change_Savefile__Disable_Command( command_to_disable ) {} ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax Reference ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; class: FILE_HELPER ; function: Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) ; ; p1: mode action|command ; p2: purpose add|delete|edit|enable|disable ; p2: action_id__or__cmd new Action's ID ; p2: cmd_name_before_rename only needed for edit Command popups ;------------------------------------------------------------------- p1 := "command" p2 := "disable" p3 := command_to_disable p4 := "" FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) return }
;======================================================================; ; About Initialize_Load_Savefile() ; ;======================================================================; ; Initialize_Load_Savefile() reads from the savefile. ; ; Change_Savefile() writes to the savefile. ; ; ; ; Change_Savefile() is called from the GUI Configuration window when ; ; ; ; (1) The user changes a setting. ; ; ; ; (2) The user adds a new Command. ; ; ; ; (3) The user changes the Command's text ; ; or changes the Action associated with the Command. ; ; ; ; (4) The user enables or disables an existing Command. ; ; ; ; (5) The user adds a new Action. ; ; ; ; (6) The user changes the functionality of an Action. ; ; ; ; (7) The user deletes a Command or deletes an Action. ; ; ; ; If you are new to Regular Expressions, see the resources ; ; in the comment above the beginning of the FILE_HELPER class above. ; ; ; ;======================================================================;
Change_Savefile( mode:="action|command|setting" , purpose:="add|delete|edit|enable|disable" , action_id__or__cmd :="passed from popup" , cmd_name_before_rename := "" , setting_to_change := "" ) {} global _savefile_path global _ACTIONS global _COMMANDS
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Parameters ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; mode Determines type of what to change in savefile. ; ; ; ; Valid values: ; ; ; ; "action", "command", "setting" ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; purpose Type of operation. ; ; ; ; Valid values: ; ; ; ; "add", "delete", "edit" ; ; ; ; If mode is "command" ; ; these values are also valid: ; ; ; ; "enable", "disable" ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; action_id__or__cmd Only used for Commands and Actions. ; ; ; ; Can be empty string if mode is "setting". ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; cmd_name_before_rename Only used for Commands. ; ; ; ; Can be empty string otherwise. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; setting_to_change Only used for Settings. ; ; ; ; Variable should be in this format: ; ; {"setting_name":"", "new_value":""} ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
if( !FileExist(_savefile_path) ){} ; savefile deleted or moved or renamed since program_launcher.ahk was run. title := "[ SUPER ERROR ]" msg_for_user := "Savefile not found where app last found it.`n" MSGBOX, 16, % title, % msg_for_user return }
/* */ PURPOSE: ADD This is the only function which does not need to match a pre-existing line in the savefile. For add, we just need to find the end of the section (]) of either (Actions[) or (Commands[) then add the new line just before the (]). Thus: The add functionality needs to watch for (a) beginning of the relavant Section ([) (b) ending of the relavant Section (]) DELETE EDIT ENABLE (applicable only to Commands) DISABLE (applicable only to Commands) Each of these functions needs to find the specific line corresponding to a pre-existing Command or Action in the Savefile. They all need to watch for: (a) beginning of the relavant Section ([) (b) the matching pre-existing entry in the Savefile Then each diverges in modification from there. =============================================== Steps: =============================================== (1) Ensure Savefile still exists. (2) Read Savefile into program memory (2.1) Depending on parameter mode, look for the section: 'actions[' or 'commands[' (2.2) Look for the matching action_id or cmd (2.3) If parameter purpose is (a) "edit", then modify line (b) "delete", then remove line (3) Overwrite Savefile with new data. Done. */
match_target_section := "" match_line_to_compare := "" match_line__use_capture_group := ""
if( "action" == mode ){} match_target_section := "i)^[ \t]*ACTIONS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" }
else if("command" == mode){} match_target_section := "i)^[ \t]*COMMANDS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" }
else if("setting" == mode){} match_target_section := "i)^[ \t]*SETTINGS[ \t]*\[[ \t]*$" }
match_lines_beginning_with_semi := "^[ \t]*[;].*" match_entirely_whitespace_lines := "^[ \t]*$" match_close_section := "i)^[ \t]*\][ \t]*$" counter_for_target_section := 0 revised_file_data := "" is_insertion_point_changed_yet := false ;--------------------------------------------- ; Read _program_launcher_settings.ini, ; one line at a time. ;
Loop, Read, %_savefile_path% {} ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If we've already modified the Action or Command's target line ; and added the new data to the var revised_file_data, ; then skip the logic and copy the rest of the file to this var ;
if( true == is_insertion_point_changed_yet ){} revised_file_data .= A_LoopReadLine "`n" continue }
is_comment := RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_lines_beginning_with_semi) is_empty := RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_entirely_whitespace_lines) is_empty := (A_LoopReadLine=="" or is_empty)
if( is_comment or is_empty ){} revised_file_data .= A_LoopReadLine "`n" continue }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; NECESSARY FOR PURPOSES: ; ; All. ; ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; Found (actions[) ; or (commands[) ; or (settings[) ; ; (insertion's target section encountered) ;
if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_target_section) ){} counter_for_target_section := 1 }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; NECESSARY FOR PURPOSES: ; ; "add" (any mode) ; ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; (]) encountered while inside either ; ; (actions[), or ; (commands[), or ; (settings[) ;
else if( RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, match_close_section) ){}
if( 1 == counter_for_target_section){}
if( "add" == purpose ){} p1 := mode p2 := action_id__or__cmd new_entry_to_insert := FILE_HELPER.Change_Helper__TargetLine__Create(p1, p2) revised_file_data .= new_entry_to_insert revised_file_data .= "`n" revised_file_data .= "]" revised_file_data .= "`n" ;==================================================== ; Turn on flag to speed up the rest of the file loop ;==================================================== is_insertion_point_changed_yet := true continue }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; When editing a setting, ; if it isn't present in the Savefile yet, then: ; ; - Add it at the end of the (settings[) section. ; - Close the section (]) ; - Finish collecting the rest of the file into ; revised_file_data, and write the file. ;
else if( "setting" == mode ){} p1 := mode p2 := setting_to_change ; {"setting_name":__, "new_value":__} edited_line := FILE_HELPER.Change_Helper__TargetLine__Create( p1, p2 ) revised_file_data .= edited_line revised_file_data .= "`n" revised_file_data .= "]" revised_file_data .= "`n" ;==================================================== ; Turn on flag to speed up the rest of the file loop ;==================================================== is_insertion_point_changed_yet := true continue }
;------------------------------------------------------- ; NECESSARY FOR PURPOSES: ; ; "delete" (any mode) ; "edit" (any mode) ; "enable" (applicable only to Commands) ; "disable" (applicable only to Commands) ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Found line containing Action or Command ; while inside ; ; (actions[) or ; (commands[) or ; (settings[) ;
else if( counter_for_target_section == 1 ){} p1 := mode p2 := A_LoopReadLine p3 := action_id__or__cmd
if( "command" == mode and "edit" == purpose ){} ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If the Command's text was renamed, ; we need to look for the previous version in the Savefile. ; p3 := cmd_name_before_rename }
else if( "setting" == mode ){} ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If the Command's text was renamed, ; we need to look for the previous version in the Savefile. ; p3 := setting_to_change["setting_name"] }
found_it := FILE_HELPER.Change_Helper__IsCurrentLineTheTargetLine( p1,p2,p3 )
if( found_it ){}
if("delete" == purpose){} ;====================================================== ; Delete by omission, ; skip adding to revised_file_data this loop iteration. ;====================================================== ;==================================================== ; Turn on flag to speed up the rest of the file loop ;==================================================== is_insertion_point_changed_yet := true continue }
else if("edit" == purpose){} ;============================================================ ; Generate a new line for this entry in the Savefile ; based on current data in _ACTIONS and _COMMANDS. ; ; Note about editing a Command here: ; We already ensured that this is the correct line above. ; So we don't need to pass in the old name for examination, ; only the new command text to insert in the Savefile. ;============================================================ p1 := mode p2 := action_id__or__cmd
if("setting" == mode){} p2 := setting_to_change ; {"setting_name":__, "new_value":__} }
edited_line := FILE_HELPER.Change_Helper__TargetLine__Create( p1, p2 ) revised_file_data .= edited_line revised_file_data .= "`n" ;==================================================== ; Turn on flag to speed up the rest of the file loop ;==================================================== is_insertion_point_changed_yet := true continue }
else if( "command" == mode and ( "enable" == purpose or "disable" == purpose ) ) {} ;================================================================= ; Generate an edited line for this Command's entry in the Savefile ; to store its current enabled or disabled state, by: ; ; either appending a trailing "DISABLED" string ; or by removing the trailing "DISABLED" string. ;================================================================= p1 := purpose p2 := A_LoopReadLine edited_line := FILE_HELPER.Change_Helper__TargetLine__ToggleCommand( p1, p2 ) revised_file_data .= edited_line revised_file_data .= "`n" ;==================================================== ; Turn on flag to speed up the rest of the file loop ;==================================================== is_insertion_point_changed_yet := true continue }
} ; if found (target Action ID) or (target Command)
} ; if loop line is within Section "Actions[" or "Commands["
;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Didn't find the target Action or Command to modify yet. ; ; For everything else, ; copy current line to our file data var, ; continue to next line. ; revised_file_data .= A_LoopReadLine "`n" } ; end of file loop
; msgbox newfile`n%revised_file_data%
if( "" != revised_file_data ){} FileDelete, %_savefile_path% FileAppend, %revised_file_data%, %_savefile_path% }
return is_insertion_point_changed_yet } ; Change_Savefile()
;=================================; ; ; ; HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR ; ; ; ; Change_Savefile() ; ; ; ;=================================;
Change_Helper__IsCurrentLineTheTargetLine( mode, current_line, id_or_cmd_or_setting ) {} ; No globals needed. ; ; This function only exists outside the file loop ; to improve readability & organize complexity ; (and possibly to benefit anyone new to AutoHotkey or programming). ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_this_the_destination := false
if( "action" == mode ){} ;------------------------------------------------ ; Each Action entry in the Savefile ; has a unique ID at the beginning of the line, ; followed by a (,) comma. ; ; This function receieved a parameter holding ; the Action ID to alter in the savefile. ; ; So this leading sequence of one or more digits ; ; ([\d]+) ; ; is all we need to ensure the target line ; matches the given Action ID parameter. ; ; The leading "U)" portion is the "Ungreedy" flag, ; telling the regular expression to look ; for the smallest substring which satisfies our ; match string. ; ; Without this "Ungreedy" flag, ; a more verbose regular expression match string ; is required. ; ; Enclosing the one or more digits [\d]+ ; in parenthesis signifies that we want ; everything between the open and close parenthesis ; to count as a "Match Group". ; ; A successful call to AutoHotkey's RegExMatch() ; creates a variable for each match group. ; In this case, we only have one match group ; (containing the Action ID). ; ; The output variable MatchGroup ; contains our Action ID plus the trailing comma. ; ; The output variable MatchGroup1 ; contains our Action ID by itself. ;------------------------------------------------ match_unique_token := "" . "U)^[ \t]*([\d]+)[ \t]*," ;~ capture_group_for_unique_token := "$1" unique_token := "" RegExMatch( current_line , match_unique_token , MatchGroup ) unique_token := MatchGroup1 }
else if("command" == mode){} ;------------------------------------------------ ; Each Command entry in the Savefile ; has a unique text at the beginning of the line, ; followed by a (:) colon. ; ; If this Command has just been renamed, ; we first need to find its old entry ; with its old name in the Savefile. ; ; This function receieved a parameter holding ; the Command's last-saved unique text. ; ; Unlike the above regular expression match string ; to find the Action ID, Commands can have a wide ; variety of leading text. The full Command ; match string is used here. ; ; The second capture group will contain each ; Command's text, and will be identical to our ; parameter when the proper line is found. ; ;[~] TODO ;------------------------------------------------ match_unique_token := "" . "i)^[ \t]*(\\BEGIN_LITERAL\\)?(.*):[ \t]*(QUIT|SETTINGS|[\d]+)[ \t]*(DISABLED|disable|;|x)?$" capture_group_for_unique_token := "$2" unique_token := RegExReplace( current_line , match_unique_token , capture_group_for_unique_token ) }
else if("setting" == mode){} match_unique_token := "" . "i)^[ \t]*(" id_or_cmd_or_setting ")[ \t]*:[ \t]*(\d+)[ \t]*$" capture_group_for_unique_token := "$1" unique_token := RegExReplace( current_line , match_unique_token , capture_group_for_unique_token ) }
if( unique_token == id_or_cmd_or_setting ){} is_this_the_destination := true }
return is_this_the_destination }
Change_Helper__TargetLine__Create( mode, id_or_cmd_or_setting ) {} global _ACTIONS global _COMMANDS new_savefile_line_to_insert := "" ;======================================= ; Create Line to Insert into Savefile ;=======================================
if( "action" == mode ){} action_id := id_or_cmd_or_setting ActionID := "" FolderOrApp := "" ActionPath := "" ActionArg := "" quote_character := """" ; Unique ID # ActionID := action_id ActionID .= ", " ; "Folder"
if( "folder" == _ACTIONS[action_id]["type"] ){} FolderOrApp := "Folder" FolderOrApp .= ", " }
; or "App"
else if( "app" == _ACTIONS[action_id]["type"] ){} FolderOrApp := "App" FolderOrApp .= ", " ; (Optional) Arguments for App
if( "" != _ACTIONS[action_id]["arg"] ){} ActionArg := ", " ActionArg .= _ACTIONS[action_id]["arg"] }
; Quoted Path ActionPath := quote_character ActionPath .= _ACTIONS[action_id]["path"] ActionPath .= quote_character new_savefile_line_to_insert := "" . "`t" ; Add a leading tab each time for visual consistency. . ActionID ; Add Action ID followed by a comma (,) and spaces. . FolderOrApp ; Add "Folder" or "App" followed by a comma (,) and spaces. . ActionPath ; Add Action's Path, surrounded by double-quote (") characters. . ActionArg ; If present add a comma and one space (, ) ; and custom arguments to call when App is run. }
else if( "command" == mode ){} cmd := id_or_cmd_or_setting action_id := _COMMANDS[cmd]["action_id"] begin_literal_flag := "" ; not needed if cmd doesn't begin with spaces
if( RegExMatch(cmd, "^[ \t]+.*") ){} begin_literal_flag := "\BEGIN_LITERAL\" }
cmd_len := StrLen( cmd ) padding := FILE_HELPER.Fn_Calculate_Number_of_Tabs_Between_CommandColon_and_ActionID( cmd_len ) ; padding := FILE_HELPER.Fn_Calculate_Number_of_Spaces_Between_CommandColon_and_ActionID( cmd_len ) new_savefile_line_to_insert := "" . "`t" ; Add a leading tab each time for visual consistency. . begin_literal_flag ; Only present if user's Command text begins with spaces. . cmd ; Add User's Command text. . ":" padding ; Add colon (:) + padding for visual consistency (configured for Notepad++). . action_id ; Add Action ID the Command's text triggers when typed in Program Launcher. }
else if( "setting" == mode ){} setting_name := id_or_cmd_or_setting["setting_name"] new_value := id_or_cmd_or_setting["new_value"] new_savefile_line_to_insert := "" . "`t" ; Add a leading tab each time for visual consistency. . setting_name ; Add setting name . ": " ; Add a colon and a space (: ) . new_value ; Add value for setting }
return new_savefile_line_to_insert }
Change_Helper__TargetLine__ToggleCommand( purpose, target_line ) {} new_savefile_line_to_insert := "" match_command_colon_actionID_optionallyAlsoDisableFlag := "" . "i)^([ \t]*(\\BEGIN_LITERAL\\)?(.*)\:[ \t]*(QUIT|SETTINGS|[\d]+))[ \t]*(DISABLED|disable|;|x)?$" text_without_disableFlag := RegExReplace( target_line , match_command_colon_actionID_optionallyAlsoDisableFlag , "$1" )
if( "disable" == purpose ){} ;===================================================== ; Append "DISABLED" to Command's line ; store to our file data var to write after this loop ;===================================================== new_savefile_line_to_insert := text_without_disableFlag "`t`t" "DISABLED" ; msgBOX % target_line "`t`t" "DISABLED" }
else if( "enable" == purpose ){} new_savefile_line_to_insert := text_without_disableFlag ; msgBOX % text_without_disableFlag }
return new_savefile_line_to_insert }
;===================================; ; </> end of helper functions for ; ; ; ; Change_Savefile() ; ;===================================;
Fn_Standardize_Path_String(path, path_type) {} ;====================================================== ; format Path string to maintain visual consistency ;====================================================== ;----------------------------------------------------- ; format path to remove leading & trailing whitespace ;----------------------------------------------------- formatted_path := Trim(path) ;------------------------------------------------------ ; convert "/"s to "\"s ; because Windows is weird, and this is conventional. ;------------------------------------------------------ formatted_path := RegExReplace(formatted_path,"[/]","\") ;------------------------------------------------ ; append trailing "\" to directory if not there ;------------------------------------------------
if( "folder" = path_type ){}
if( RegExMatch(formatted_path, "[^\\]$") ){} formatted_path := formatted_path . "\" }
return formatted_path }
Fn_Calculate_Number_of_Spaces_Between_CommandColon_and_ActionID( cmd_length ) {} space_string := "" ; Add 1 to the length to account for the colon (:) before tabs begin cmd_length := cmd_length + 1
if( 28 <= cmd_length ){} space_string := " " }
else if( 2 <= cmd_length ){} empty_space_to_fill := 28 - cmd_length
Loop, %empty_space_to_fill% {} space_string .= " " }
return space_string }
;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; [~] TODO ; ; Add a setting where if changed, ; on launch Program Launcher will reformat savefile ; for either notepad.exe (which uses 16 spaces for 1 tab) ; or for standard 4 spaces for 1 tab ; or for standard 3 spaces for 1 tab ; ; to allow for smoother experience in user's text editor of choice. ; ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fn_Calculate_Number_of_Tabs_Between_CommandColon_and_ActionID( cmd_length ) {}
/* */ number of characters number of tabs including to use command + colon (:) ______________________ ___________________________ a: # (some action id), 7 tabs bbbbbbbbbb: # (some action id), 5 tabs 2: 7 3.: 7 2 ch or less, 7 tabs 4..: 6 5...: 6 6....: 6 7.....: 6 6 ch or less, 6 tabs 8......: 5 9.......: 5 10.......: 5 11........: 5 10 ch or less, 5 tabs 12.........: 4 13..........: 4 14...........: 4 15............: 4 14 ch or less, 4 tabs 16.............: 3 17..............: 3 18...............: 3 19................: 3 18 ch or less, 3 tabs 20.................: 2 21..................: 2 22...................: 2 23....................: 2 22 ch or less, 2 tabs 24.....................: 1 25......................: 1 26.......................: 1 27........................: 1 28.........................:1 */
format_for_notepadPlusPlus := true format_for_notepadDotExe := false tab_string := "" ; Add 1 to the length to account for the colon (:) before tabs begin cmd_length := cmd_length + 1 textEditorTabWidth := ""
if( format_for_notepadPlusPlus ){} textEditorTabWidth := 4.0 }
else if( format_for_notepadDotExe ){} textEditorTabWidth := 8.0 }
if( 24 <= cmd_length ){} tab_string := "`t" }
else if( 2 <= cmd_length ){} empty_space_to_fill := 28 - cmd_length num_spaces_with_remainder := empty_space_to_fill / textEditorTabWidth ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Documentation: ; Ceil : ; "Returns Number rounded up to the nearest integer ; (without any .00 suffix)." ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; ;--------------------------------------------------------- number_of_tabs := Ceil( num_spaces_with_remainder ) ; msgbox num tabs %number_of_tabs%
Loop, %number_of_tabs% {} tab_string .= "`t" }
return tab_string }
} ; end of class: FILE_HELPER
;-------------------------------------------; ; The remaining classes are located ; ; in program_launcher_settings_window.ahk ; ;-------------------------------------------; ;===============================; ; </> end of Class section ; ;===============================; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;================================================; ; ; ; Text for Default Savefile ; ; ; ;================================================;
Default_Save_File() {} global _savefile__default_content _savefile__default_content := " ( ;==================================================================== ; file: program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini ; purpose: program_launcher.ahk's saved data + tutorial ;==================================================================== ;____________________________; ; ; ; SETTINGS ; ;____________________________; SETTINGS[ icon: 95 hotkey_for_commandline_popup: ctrl win space hotkey_for_quit: ctrl win alt q ] ;______________________________________; ; ; ; SAVED DATA ; ;______________________________________; ; ; ; COMMANDS + ACTIONS ; ;______________________________________; COMMANDS[ config: SETTINGS quit: QUIT c: 1 notepad: 2 calc: 3 paint: 4 ] ACTIONS[ SETTINGS QUIT 1, Folder, ""C:\"" 2, App, ""C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"" 3, App, ""C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe"" 4, App, ""C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe"" ] ;-----------------------------------------------------; ; Note 1: Lines beginning with a ';' are ignored. ; ; Note 2: Use Notepad++ or Sublime text editor ; ; if the formatting looks strange. ; ; ; ; Notepad.exe uses tabs which are 16 spaces wide, ; ; and will not display this document well. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------; ;=========================================================================== ; About the program: program_launcher.ahk ;=========================================================================== ; ; ; ------------------ ; What it does: ; ------------------ ; ; program_launcher.ahk is a small utility ; to reduce the number of steps to ; ; (1) open programs or ; (2) navigate to folders ; (by opening the folder ; in a new Windows Explorer window). ; ; ; You can register a word or phrase as a [Command] ; which program_launcher.ahk will associate with an [Action]. ; ; Program Launcher's main hotkey will open a small popup. ; Type a command into the popup, then press enter ; and your action will run! ; ; ; -------------------- ; Commands + Actions: ; -------------------- ; ; A command can be any single-line series of typable text you desire. ; ; Each command triggers one specific action. ; Each action can have multiple commands which trigger it. ; ; Example: ; ; Register the command ""Show me my muisc"" ; -> to open the folder C:/Music in a new window. ; ; Register (also) the command ""mu"" ; -> to open the folder C:/Music in a new window. ; ; Currently, commands can only be one line long, but can contain: ; ; () any alphanumeric text ; () spaces ; () symbols `~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':"",./<>? ; ; Actions fall into three categories: ; ; (1) Open a folder in a new window. ; (2) Open an application. ; (3) program_launcher.ahk functions: ; () Quit ; () Settings ; ; ; ------------------ ; How to use it: ; ------------------ ; ; Run program_launcher.ahk ; ; (1) Add some commands: ; ; (1.1) Hit the hotkey to bring up the command prompt ; ; (By default, this is Ctrl+Windows+Space. ; This can be changed using this file, ; or by using the settings window). ; ; (1.2) A popup will appear. ; Type 'settings' or 'config' or 'configuration' here ; (without quotes). ; ; (1.3) Hit <Enter> or press ""OK"". ; ; (1.4) The command popup will disappear. ; The settings window will appear. ; ; Change or add commands and actions. ; ; (1.5) Close the settings window. ; Your changes will be automatically saved to this file. ; ; (2) Use your commands: ; ; (2.1) Hit the hotkey to bring up the command prompt ; (default setting is Ctrl+Windows+Space) ; ; (2.2) Type one of the commands you registered in (1.4) ; ; (2.3) Hit <Enter> or press ""OK"". ; ; (2.4) Enjoy! ; ; ; ; ------------------------------- ; How do I know if it's running? ; ------------------------------- ; ; Run program_launcher.ahk. ; You will see its icon appear in Window's ""Notificaiton Area"" ; (located at the right end of the Windows Taskbar, just before the clock). ; ; If you hover your mouse over this script's icon in the Notificaiton Area, ; a tooltip will appear saying ""program_launcher.ahk"". ; ; ; ------------------- ; How do I close it? ; ------------------- ; ; To close program_launcher.ahk either: ; ; (1) Right click its icon in the Notificaiton Tray and click ""Exit"". ; ; (2) Quit using a command: ; ; (2.1) Press the hotkey to display the commandline popup ; (by default, this hotkey is Ctrl+Win+Space). ; (2.2) Type 'q' or 'quit' or 'exit' without quotes ('). ; (2.3) Hit enter or click ""OK"". ; (2.4) The program will stop running. ; ; ;=========================================================================== ;==================================================================== ; About this config file: program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini ;==================================================================== ; ; ------------------ ; Commented lines : ; ------------------ ; ; program_launcher.ahk will ignore any line ; in this config file if it starts with ';' ; ; Feel free to keep, alter, move, or remove any commented lines. ; It won't affect program_launcher.ahk's behavior. ; ; ----------- ; Settings : ; ----------- ; ; Setting name: ""icon"" ; Value for setting: Integer number. ; ; How it works: ; ; This number corresponds to a Shell32.dll icon number. ; This script will use this icon ; (1) in the Windows Notification Tray ; (2) in the window title bars for program_launcher.ahk's ; (2.a) commandline popup ; (2.b) configuration window ; ; ; Setting name: ""hotkey_for_commandline_popup"" ; Value for setting: Key names separated by spaces. ; ; How it works: ; ; When this hotkey is pressed ; program_launcher.ahk displays its commandline popup. ; ; ; Setting name: ""hotkey_for_quit"" ; Value for setting: Key names separated by spaces. ; ; How it works: ; ; When this hotkey is pressed ; program_launcher.ahk exits. ; ; ; --------------------- ; Commands + Actions : ; --------------------- ; ; Commands can be registered to actions in two ways: ; ; (1) Add them manually to this settings file, ; then refresh program_launcher.ahk. ; ; Press the the hotkey associated with ; [hotkey_for_commandline_popup] ; ; Type 'r' or 'reload', and hit enter. ; ; (2) Add them using the settings window. ; ; Open program_launcher.ahk's command prompt ; (by default, this hotkey is Ctrl+Win+Space) ; then type 'settings' or 'config' or 'configuration' ; press OK, then the configuration window should appear. ; ; Commands can contain: ; (+) spaces* ; (+) symbols ; (+) any printable ASCII character. ; *see note below. ; ; Each Command phrase is associated with a single action. ; program_launcher.ahk handles two action types, either : ; (1) launch a specific explorer folder, or ; (2) launch a program (optionally with a passed default path) ; ;==================================================================== ;=========================================================================== ; Help ;=========================================================================== ; ; ------------------------------ ; How do I back up my settings? ; ------------------------------ ; ; (1) Using Windows Explorer ; copy and paste the file ""program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini"" ; (the settings file you're reading right now) to make a backup. ; ; If the reader is unfamiliar, these are the steps: ; ; (1.1) Navigate to this file in Windows Explorer. ; (1.2) Select this file by clicking it once. ; (1.3) Press <Ctrl+C> to copy it. ; (1.4) Press <Ctrl+V> to paste it. ; This will create a duplicate copy. ; ; Fun trivia: When you paste the file in step (1.4), ; it does not matter if the file is still selected (or not). ; Windows Explorer ignores what is (or isn't) selected ; when you tell it to paste files, ; it only cares about which folder you are currently in. ; ; Conversely, Windows Explorer does care about what is selected ; when you copy files in step (1.3), and will copy all selected files. ; ; ; (2) Rename the duplicate file and give it a new name like: ; ""program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini.backup123"" ; or any name you prefer. ; ; As long as the backup's name doesn't exactly match ; ""program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini"", ; the backup will be ignored. ; ; ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; How to I restore the default settings and commands? ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; ; program_launcher.ahk can auto-generate this file. ; ; NOTE: This step will not auto-generate your custom commands and actions. ; Be sure to make a backup file first. ; ; (a) Move or copy ; program_launcher.ahk to a directory without ; program_launcher_saved_phrases.ini. ; ; When you run program_launcher.ahk ; the default version of this settings file will be auto-generated. ; ; (b) Alternatively ;=========================================================================== )"
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Remove leading tabs from continuation section variable. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; To skip this step, ; I could have made the long continuation section above ; flush with the left of the document (with no indentations) ; ; But I like to keep blocks indented. ; ; Here's the process for the next few lines: ; ; (1) Look at the number of tabs at the very beginning ; of the savefile content variable. ; ; Save these leading tabs in a variable named detected_leading_tabs ; ; (2) Get the number of tabs by getting the length of the string. ; ; (3) For each line in the variable _savefile__default_content ; remove the number of tabs detected in step (2). ; ; ; Additional step in part (3): ; ; Convert each default linefeed newline ("`n") ; into a carriage return + linefeed newline ("`r`n") ; ; Without this step, the RegularExpression doesn't properly work with the ; ; begining of line anchor ("^") ; and end of line anchor ("$") ; ; Read more about the necessity of this conversion here: ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;-------; ; (1) ; ;-------; RegExMatch(_savefile__default_content, "^([\t]*)", detected_leading_tabs) ;-------; ; (2) ; ;-------; num_tabs_to_rm := StrLen(detected_leading_tabs) ;-------; ; (3) ; ;-------; _savefile__default_content := RegExReplace(_savefile__default_content, "`n", "`r`n") _savefile__default_content := RegExReplace(_savefile__default_content, "Um)^\t{" num_tabs_to_rm "}(.*)$","$1") return }
#Include program_launcher_settings_window.ahk


            ;                                     ;
            ;           PUBLIC DOMAIN             ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;       This file is released         ;
            ;       under the cc0 license.        ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;                                     ;
            ;   Written by:                       ;
            ;                    Gamepad-Coder    ;
            ;                                     ;

;  program_launcher_settings_window.ahk                                 ;
;                                                                       ;
;                                                     version 2         ;
;                                                                       ;
;  This file contains the GUI interface for program_launcher.ahk.       ;
;                                                                       ;
;  To open this GUI config window:                                      ;
;                                                                       ;
;     (1) Run program_launcher.ahk,                                     ;
;     (2) Use the command to open the settings,                         ;
;         (by default, the command is "config", no quotes).             ;
;                                                                       ;
;         This script's code will be used to show the user              ;
;         a settings window which facilitates modifying                 ;
;         the settings.ini file.                                        ;
;                                                                       ;
;   This file cannot be run in isolation.                               ;
;   It's really just the second half of program_launcher.ahk,           ;
;   but separated into a second file to improve readability.            ;

class GuiConfigMain {} ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; These text strings are specific to the checkbox at the bottom ; of Tab1 of this window. These vars won't be altered, only accessed. ; static CheckboxShowAll_TextForChecked := "SHOW ALL (Uncheck to hide disabled commands) " static CheckboxShowAll_TextForUnchecked := "SHOW ALL (Check to also show disabled commands)" static _plucked_command := "" static _plucked_action := "" static _is_gui_baked := false
__New() {} ; global ;------------------------------; ; Global vars to use elsewhere ; GuiConfigMain.Initialize_Gui_gVariables() GuiConfigMain.Init_Config_Gui_and_TabControl() GuiConfigMain.Init_Config_1st_Tab() GuiConfigMain.Init_Config_2nd_Tab() GuiConfigMain.Init_Config_3rd_Tab() GuiConfigMain.Init_Config_4th_Tab() GuiConfigMain.Fn_Action_Buttons_Disable() ;==================================; ; Render + Display main GUI window ; ;==================================; Gui, ConfigMain:Show ; _is_MainGui_baked := true GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_OnSize( "Gui up and running" ) GuiConfigMain.Init_ReadProgramArraysIntoGui() GuiConfigMain._is_gui_baked := true return this }
__Delete() {} ; global ; Clear static class members between Config Window instances. GuiConfigMain._plucked_command := "" GuiConfigMain._plucked_action := "" ; Clear static function variables in OnSize() function GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_OnSize( "RESET" ) GuiConfigMain._is_gui_baked := false Gui ConfigMain: Destroy return }
;============================================================ ; GuiConfigMain (Main Window) ;============================================================
Initialize_Gui_gVariables() {} global ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; It's a good practice to clear global variables ; for GUIs which are created multiple times over the lifespan of a script. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain_Tabs := "" GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll := "" GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewAction := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ABOUT := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonExport := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsDisabled := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsEnabled := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info := "" return }
Init_Config_Gui_and_TabControl() {} global ;========================; ; Create main GUI window ; ;========================; title_for_GuiConfigMain_Window := "_program_launcher.ahk - Configuration" options_for_GuiConfigMain_Window := A_Space "+Label" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_On" options_for_GuiConfigMain_Window .= A_Space "+Resize +MinSize420x375" Gui, ConfigMain:New , %options_for_GuiConfigMain_Window% , %title_for_GuiConfigMain_Window% ;--------------------------------; ; Ensures future "Gui," commands ; add specifically to the Gui ; using the name "ConfigMain:". ; Gui, ConfigMain:Default ;=========================================================; ; Hidden Button to allow detection of <Enter> key events ; ;=========================================================; options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonHiddenDefault" options .= A_Space "+Hidden +Default w0 h0" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , "" ;================================ ; Add Tab Container with 3 tabs ; - Commands ; - Actions ; - Settings ;================================ text := "Commands|Actions|Settings| ? " options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_Tabs" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Tabs" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Tab3 , %options% , %text% return }
Init_Config_1st_Tab() {} global ;[1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]~ ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ; ; 1st Tab will receive ; Gui Controls added after this line ; ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ;[1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]~ Gui, Tab, 1 ;=======================; ; ListView for Commands ; ;=======================; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note: ; The style "LV0x10000" is LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, ; and (in some cases) helps reduce flikering upon redrawing ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Read More Here: ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ text_column1 := "Command " text_column2 := "|->" text_column3 := "|Action ID" text_column4 := "|Action Type" text_column5 := "|Action Path" text_column6 := "|Action Arg for Programs" text := text_column1 . text_column2 . text_column3 . text_column4 . text_column5 . text_column6 options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ListViewCommands" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds" options .= A_Space "+checked +ReadOnly +AltSubmit -Multi" options .= A_Space "r20 w700" options .= A_Space "+LV0x10000" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, ListView , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to create a new Command ; ;================================; text := "[ + ] New Command" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonNewCmd" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewCmd" options .= A_Space "section" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to Edit a Command ; ;================================; text := "[ : ] Edit Selected`nCommand" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonEditCmd" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCmd" options .= A_Space "ys" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to Delete a Command ; ;================================; text := "[ x ] Delete Selected`nCommand" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonDeleteCmd" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCmd" options .= A_Space "ys" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;===========================; ; CheckBox to toggle ; ; - display all ; ; - or just display enabled ; ;===========================; text := GuiConfigMain.CheckboxShowAll_TextForChecked options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_CheckboxShowAll" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll" options .= A_Space "xs y+10" options .= A_Space "Checked" "1" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, CheckBox , %options% , %text% return }
Init_Config_2nd_Tab() {} global ;[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]~ ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ; ; 2nd Tab will receive ; Gui Controls added after this line ; ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ;[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2]~ Gui, Tab, 2 ;=======================; ; ListView for Actions ; ;=======================; gui_name := "ConfigMain" goto_name := "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ListViewActions" control_name := "GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions" REUSABLE_GUI_CONTROLS.create_listview_of_actions( gui_name , goto_name , control_name ) ;================================; ; Button to create a new Action ; ;================================; text := "[ + ] New Action " options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonNewAction" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewAction" options .= A_Space "section" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to Edit an Action ; ;================================; text := "[ : ] Edit Selected`nAction" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonEditAction" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction" options .= A_Space "ys x137" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to Delete an Action ; ;================================; text := "[ x ] Delete Selected`nAction" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonDeleteAction" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction" options .= A_Space "ys" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;================================; ; Button to Run an Action ; ;================================; Gui, Tab, text := "Run selected Action now." options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ButtonRunAction" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction" options .= A_Space "ym x600" options .= A_Space "+Hidden" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% return }
Init_Config_3rd_Tab() {} global ;[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3]~ ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ; ; 3rd Tab will receive ; Gui Controls added after this line ; ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ;[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3]~ Gui, Tab, 3 ;========================================; ; Button to change Application icon ; ;========================================; text := "Change Window Icon." options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonIcon" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonIcon" options .= A_Space "y+30 x+35" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;========================================; ; Button to create a backup of settings ; ;========================================; text := "Export a backup file." options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonExport" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonExport" ; options .= A_Space "y+12" options .= A_Space "y+30" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;==========================================; ; Button to import settings (disable cmds) ; ;==========================================; text := "Import a backup file (but disable all imported commands)." options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonImportAsDisabled" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsDisabled" options .= A_Space " y+12" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;==========================================; ; Button to import settings (enable cmds) ; ;==========================================; text := "Import a backup file (and enable all imported commands)." options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonImportAsEnabled" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsEnabled" options .= A_Space " y+12" Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Button , %options% , %text% ;========================================= ; Add `Text` Label: ;----------------------------------------- ; Inform User Drag-n-Drop is possible here ;========================================= text := "" text .= " Auto-Save:`n`n" text .= " Actions, Commands, and Settings are automatically saved `n" text .= " the moment you change them (add, edit, enable/disable, delete).`n`n" text .= " Actions, Commands, and Settings are saved to`n" text .= " _program_launcher_settings.ini.`n`n" text .= " On this tab :`n`n" text .= " You can make a backup of this settings file,`n" text .= " or add settings into your current save file`n" text .= " by importing data from a backup." ; text .= "`n`n`n" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info" options .= A_Space "Border " options .= A_Space "y+30 w700 r10" options .= A_Space "x20" options .= A_Space "+ReadOnly" Gui, Font,s12 Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Edit , %options% , %text% Gui, Font return }
Init_Config_4th_Tab() {} global ;[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3]~ ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ; ; 3rd Tab will receive ; Gui Controls added after this line ; ;---------------TAB SWITCH--------------- ;[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3]~ Gui, Tab, 4 ;========================================= ; Add `Edit` readonly Label: about ;========================================= text := GuiConfigMain.Fn_AboutTab_Get_Text() options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ABOUT" options .= A_Space "Border " options .= A_Space "y+30" options .= A_Space "+Readonly" Gui, Font,s12, Courier New Gui, ConfigMain:Add, Edit , %options% , %text% Gui, Font return }
Init_ReadProgramArraysIntoGui() {} global ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ;------------------; ; syntax reference ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------; ; _COMMANDS := { "godot" : {"action_id":1, "enabled":true} } ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------;
for cmd, cmd_info in _COMMANDS {} action := "" action_type := "" action_path := "" action_arg := "" cmd_action_id := cmd_info["action_id"] cmd_is_enabled := cmd_info["enabled"] ;------------------------------------------------------ ; AutoHotkey Docs, Ternary Operator: ; ; lv_cmd_options := (true==cmd_is_enabled) ? "+Check" : "-Check" ;================================== ; Get the Command's Action Data ;==================================
if( _ACTIONS.HasKey(cmd_action_id) ){} action := _ACTIONS[cmd_action_id] action_type := action["type"] action_path := action["path"] action_arg := action["arg"] ; msgbox does have action id }
;====================================================== ; Add the Command to GuiConfigMain's Command ListView ;======================================================
if( cmd_action_id!="" and action_type!="" and action_path!="" ){} LV_Add(lv_cmd_options ; Check row if Command is enabled , cmd ; row 1 , "" ; row 2 , cmd_action_id ; row 3 , action_type ; row 4 , action_path ; row 5 , action_arg ) ; row 6 }
else if( "SETTINGS" = cmd_action_id or "QUIT" = cmd_action_id ){} LV_Add(lv_cmd_options ; Check row if Command is enabled , cmd ; row 1 , "" ; row 2 , cmd_action_id ; row 3 , "" ; row 4 , "" ; row 5 , "" ) ; row 6 }
else{ ;error; _____SUMMARY_END_____ error_msg := "Error in Initialization of Main.LV.Cmds `n " error_msg .= "cmd_action_id [" cmd_action_id "] `n " error_msg .= "action_type [" action_type "] `n " error_msg .= "action_path [" action_path "] `n " MSGBOX, , Error, %error_msg% }
LV_ModifyCol(3, "Sort") GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_ReadjustAllCols() return }
;----------------------------------------------- ; <Enter> key pressed. ;----------------------------------------------- ; Crude workaround recommended by the AHK Docs. ;
GUI_EVENT_ButtonHiddenDefault() {} global ;------------------------------------------ ; Refreshes the variable GuiConfigMain_Tabs ; which stores the current tab name ;------------------------------------------ Gui, ConfigMain:Submit, NoHide
if( GuiConfigMain_Tabs == "Commands" ){} ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Edit the currently selected Command (if selection) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup_Command() GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("command") }
else if( GuiConfigMain_Tabs == "Actions" ){} ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Edit the currently selected Action (if selection) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup_Action() GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("action") }
return }
GUI_EVENT_OnSize( FLAG:="" ) {} global ;===================================================== ; Upon resizing the GUI window, ; ; readjust Control : ; - placement ; - width (where applicable) ; - height (where applicable) ; ; to maintain a consistent layout. ;===================================================== ;------------------------------------------------- ; Static variables in a function ; will retain their value between function calls. ;------------------------------------------------- static is_MainGui_baked := false static GuiHeight static GuiWidth static offset_y_from_tabcontainer := "" static ar_offset_from_bottom := [] static ar_offset_from_right := [] static ar_reposition_ctrls := [ "" . "GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewCmd" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCmd" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCmd" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewAction" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction" , "GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction" ] static ar_resize_ctrls := [ "" . "GuiConfigMain_Tabs" , "GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds" , "GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions" , "GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info" , "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ABOUT" ]
/* */ GuiConfigMain_Tabs := "" GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCmd := "" GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewAction := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction := "" GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ABOUT := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonExport := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsDisabled := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_ButtonImportAsEnabled := "" GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info := "" */
;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NOTE: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The Gui Event "OnSize" is called when a window is first rendered ; but A_GuiHeight and A_GuiWidth aren't present ; when we call this function manually with ; ; GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_OnSize("Some Flag") ; ; As soon as these are initialized, we'll store a copy ; in these function static vars. ; ; This will allow us to reference these dimensions ; when we call this "OnSize" event function manually ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
if( "" != A_GuiHeight and "" != A_GuiWidth ){} GuiHeight := A_GuiHeight GuiWidth := A_GuiWidth }
;****************************************************************************** ; ; Manual Function Calls with Flags ; ;****************************************************************************** ;========================================== ; Initialize static vars & control offsets ;==========================================
if( "Gui up and running" == FLAG){} is_MainGui_baked := true ;---------------------------------------------- ; Controls in Tab Containers ; have a hidden additional offset ; ; Hacky offset found through trial-and-error ; c := "GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds" GuiControlGet, TabContainer, Pos, %c% offset_y_from_tabcontainer := TabContainerY - 6 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; For each Control where we only need to adjust its y-coordinate ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; (1) Find how far away from the bottom it is initially. ; (2) Upon window resize, ; reposition the y-coordinate to maintain this offset consistently. ;
for i, c in ar_reposition_ctrls {} GuiControlGet, ctrl_, Pos, %c% offset_from_bottom := GuiHeight - (ctrl_y - offset_y_from_tabcontainer) ar_offset_from_bottom[c] := offset_from_bottom }
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; For each Control where we only need to stretch the height ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; (1) Find the amount of space between the bottom of the control ; and the bottom of the window (all these Controls are ; positioned at the top of the window, so keep that in mind ; if altering or reusing this code). ; (2) Upon window resize, stretch Control's height ; to maintain this bottom offset consistently. ;
for i, c in ar_resize_ctrls {} GuiControlGet, ctrl_, Pos, %c% offset_from_bottom := GuiHeight - ctrl_h ar_offset_from_bottom[c] := offset_from_bottom }
c := "GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction" GuiControlGet, ctrl_, Pos, %c% ar_offset_from_right[c] := GuiWidth - ctrl_x ;---------------------------------------------------- ; When called manually, ; A_GuiHeight and A_GuiWidth ; will not be populated by AutoHotkey Event handling ; return }
else if( "RESET" == FLAG ){} is_MainGui_baked := false GuiHeight := "" GuiWidth := "" return }
;****************************************************************************** ; ; AutoHotkey Event calls to OnSize() ; ;****************************************************************************** ;========================================== ; Adjust size and positioning of Controls ; when Gui Window is resized. ;==========================================
if( true == is_MainGui_baked) ; ensures this is only called after our static vars are initialized {} ;--------------------------------- ; Adjust y-position of ; ; GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll ; GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewCmd ; GuiConfigMain_ButtonNewAction ;---------------------------------
for j, c in ar_reposition_ctrls {} offset := ar_offset_from_bottom[c] destination_y := A_GuiHeight - offset ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, % "y" destination_y GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, % "y" destination_y }
c := "GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction" offset := ar_offset_from_right[c] destination_x := A_GuiWidth - offset GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, % "x" destination_x ;--------------------------------- ; Adjust Size of ; ; Tab box ; ListView: Commands ; ListView: Actions ;--------------------------------- c := "GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds" GuiControlGet, ctrl_LV_, Pos, %c% offset_LV := ar_offset_from_bottom[c] c := "GuiConfigMain_Tabs" GuiControlGet, ctrl_tab_, Pos, %c% offset_tab := ar_offset_from_bottom[c] c := "GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info" offset_info := ar_offset_from_bottom[c] options_LV := "" options_tab := "" options_tab .= " h" A_GuiHeight - offset_tab options_LV .= " h" A_GuiHeight - offset_LV options_info .= " h" A_GuiHeight - offset_info options_LV .= " w" A_GuiWidth - (ctrl_LV_X * 2) options_tab .= " w" A_GuiWidth - (ctrl_tab_X * 2) options_info .= " w" A_GuiWidth - (ctrl_LV_X * 2) options_about .= " w" A_GuiWidth - (ctrl_LV_X * 2) c := "GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds" ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, %options_LV% GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, %options_LV% c := "GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions" ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, %options_LV% GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, %options_LV% c := "GuiConfigMain_Settings_Info" ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, %options_info% GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, %options_info% c := "GuiConfigMain_Settings_ABOUT" about_text := GuiConfigMain.Fn_AboutTab_Get_Text(A_GuiWidth) ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: , %c%, "" GuiControl, ConfigMain: , %c%, %about_text% ; msgbox %about_text%
if( A_GuiWidth < 585){} ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, %options_info% GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, %options_about% }
else{} GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, w527 }
c := "GuiConfigMain_Tabs" GuiControl, ConfigMain: MoveDraw, %c%, %options_tab% ; GuiControl, ConfigMain: Move, %c%, %options_tab% ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Calling these readjust functions here ; will prevent a horizontal scroll bar from appearing when unnecessary. ; ; However, adding these lines causes the ListView headers for the columns ; to frequently fail to repaint (due to rapid MoveDraw calls). ; ; GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_ReadjustAllCols() ; GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
return }
GUI_EVENT_OnEscape() {} global return }
GUI_EVENT_OnClose() {} global _o_Gui_Config_Main := "" return }
GUI_EVENT_OnDropFiles() {} global ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Docs for GuiDropFiles ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A_EventInfo and ErrorLevel: ; Both contain the number of files dropped. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A_GuiEvent: ; Contains the names of the files that were dropped, ; with each filename except the last terminated by a linefeed (`n). ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, ConfigMain:Submit, NoHide
if( GuiConfigMain_Tabs == "Actions" ){} ;-------------------------------------------- ; Populate GUI data with drag-n-dropped file. ;-------------------------------------------- ; User dropped 1 file onto GuiConfigPopup GUI ;--------------------------------------------
if( A_EventInfo == 1 ){} is_dragNdrop_valid := FileExist(A_GuiEvent)
if( "" != is_dragNdrop_valid ){}
if( _o_Gui_Config_Popup == "" ){} _o_Gui_Config_Popup := new GuiConfigPopup("action" , "add" , NA_lv_row:="" , silent:=true)
if( InStr(is_dragNdrop_valid, "D") ){} ; populate as dir GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder, 1 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp , 0 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %A_GuiEvent% }
else {} ; populate as file GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder, 0 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp , 1 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %A_GuiEvent% }
_o_Gui_Config_Popup.Submit_Changes() _o_Gui_Config_Popup := "" }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; Unsupported. ;---------------------------------------------------- ; User dropped more than 1 file onto GuiConfigPopup GUI ;----------------------------------------------------
else if( A_EventInfo > 1 ){} str_for_usr_output := "_program_launcher.ahk`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= """Edit a Command"" can't process more than one file.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Ensure you only have one file selected `n" str_for_usr_output .= "in Windows Explorer.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Then try to drag-and-drop it onto this window again.`n" MsgBox,, % "[X] Can't process more than one file for a path.", %str_for_usr_output% }
return }
GUI_EVENT_Tabs() {} global ;------------------------------------------ ; Refreshes the variable GuiConfigMain_Tabs ; which stores the current tab name ;------------------------------------------ Gui, ConfigMain:Submit, NoHide
if( GuiConfigMain_Tabs == "Actions" ){} GuiControl, ConfigMain: -Hidden, GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction }
else{} GuiControl, ConfigMain: +Hidden, GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ListViewActions() {} global ;----------------------------------------------------- ; If events are being triggered ; while the popup is altering or inserting new entries ; ignore event. ;
if("" != _o_Gui_Config_Popup ){} return }
; msgbox A_EventInfo %A_EventInfo%
if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick") {} ; GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup_Action() GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("action") }
;-------------------------------------- ; user has edited first field of a row
if (A_GuiEvent = "e") {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_ReadjustAllCols() }
;-------------------------- ; An Item Changed ;
if ( "I" = A_GuiEvent ){} ;=================================================== ; ENABLE / DISABLE state changed for a Command ;=================================================== ;------------------------------------------- ; Event was either Select (S) or Deselect (s) ;
if( InStr(ErrorLevel, "S") ){} ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() ;------------------------------------------- ; Get Action ID for that row in the ListView ; sel_act_id := "" LV_GetText(sel_act_id, A_EventInfo, 1) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; If a row is selected, ; ErrorLevel will contain a "S" in its string. ; ; If a row is deselected, ; ErrorLevel will contain a "s" in its string. ;--------------------------------------------------- was_item_selected := InStr(ErrorLevel, "S", CaseSensitive:=true) ;~ was_item_deselected := InStr(ErrorLevel, "s", CaseSensitive:=true) ;===================================================================== ; WARNING ;===================================================================== ; ; Additionally using else if(was_item_deselected)... branches: ; ; will sometimes (randomly) incorrectly break ; the "Edit Action" / "Delete Action" buttons ; when the user has selected a valid, editable Action entry. ; ; This is due to rapid calling of ListView ; event functions, and the lag in response time ; will sometimes result in the program glitching into a ; state desynchronized with the logic here. ; ; The following if logic was therefore carefully chosen: ; ; (A) It always enables the buttons when a valid entry is selected ; (without the same event triggering any other code branches) ; ; (B) It only calls disable when either: ; - all entries are deselected or ; - an entry for QUIT or SETTINGS is selected ; (without the same event triggering any other code branches) ; ; ; As great as AutoHotkey is for simple User Interfaces, ; this is perhaps its biggest shortcoming. ; ; When you've debugged your code, but you're still ; encountering unexpected behavior, look to your Event functions. ;===================================================================== ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; If QUIT or SETTINGS selected, disable edit + delete buttons. ; If anything else selected, enable edit + delete buttons. ;
if( was_item_selected ){}
if( "QUIT" != sel_act_id and "SETTINGS" != sel_act_id ){} GuiConfigMain.Fn_Action_Buttons_Enable() }
else{} allow_run := false
if( "QUIT" == sel_act_id ){} allow_run := true }
GuiConfigMain.Fn_Action_Buttons_Disable( allow_run ) }
;--------------------------------- ; If nothing is selected ; disable edit + delete buttons. ;
if( 0 == LV_GetNext(0) ){} GuiConfigMain.Fn_Action_Buttons_Disable() }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ListViewCommands() {} global ;----------------------------------------------------- ; If events are being triggered ; while the popup is altering or inserting new entries ; ignore event. ;
if("" != _o_Gui_Config_Popup ){} return }
;------------------------------------------ ; If Gui not initialized yet, ; don't respond to checkmark events. ;
if(false == GuiConfigMain._is_gui_baked){} return }
;----------------------------------- ; User Double-Clicked ; either a row or a blank space. ;
if ( "DoubleClick" = A_GuiEvent ) {} GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("command") }
;-------------------------------------- ; user has edited first field of a row ;
if ( "e" = A_GuiEvent ) {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() }
;-------------------------- ; An Item Changed ;
if ( "I" = A_GuiEvent ){} ;=================================================== ; ENABLE / DISABLE state changed for a Command ;=================================================== ;------------------------------------------- ; Event was either Checkmark (C) or Uncheckmark (c) ;
if( InStr(ErrorLevel, "c") ){ } ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ;------------------------------------------- ; Get command for that row in the ListView ; cmd := "" LV_GetText(cmd, A_EventInfo,1) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; If a row is selected, ; ErrorLevel will contain a "S" in its string. ; ; If a row is deselected, ; ErrorLevel will contain a "s" in its string. ;--------------------------------------------------- was_item_checked := InStr(ErrorLevel, "C", CaseSensitive:=true) was_item_unchecked := InStr(ErrorLevel, "c", CaseSensitive:=true)
if( was_item_checked ){} GuiConfigMain.Fn_EnableCommand( cmd ) }
if( was_item_unchecked ){} GuiConfigMain.Fn_DisableCommand( cmd ) }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonRunAction() {} global run_action_id GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() which_row := LV_GetNext(0)
if( 0 != which_row ){} LV_GetText(action_id_is, which_row, 1) run_action_id := action_id_is gosub RunActionID }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonNewAction() {} global ; GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup_Action_Add() GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("action", "add") return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonEditAction() {} global GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("action", "edit") return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonDeleteAction() {} global GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() ;=============================================== ; Get the row# of the selected ListView item. ;=============================================== which_row := LV_GetNext(0)
if( 0 == which_row ){} ; User pressed Delete Action button with no selection. return }
action_id := "" LV_GetText(action_id, which_row, 1) aID := action_id aType := _ACTIONS[aID]["type"] aPath := _ACTIONS[aID]["path"] aArg := _ACTIONS[aID]["arg"] ;~ ar_cmds_which_use_this_action := [] string_cmds_which_use_this_action := ""
for cmd, cmd_dat in _COMMANDS{}
if( aID == cmd_dat["action_id"] ){} ; msgbox command has aid [%aID%] ;~ ar_cmds_which_use_this_action.Push(cmd) string_cmds_which_use_this_action .= cmd "`n`n" }
msgbox_type_ok_cancel := 1 msgbox_icon_question := 32 msgbox_default_button := 256 msgbox_options := msgbox_type_ok_cancel + msgbox_icon_question + msgbox_default_button msgbox_prompt := "" msgbox_prompt .= "Delete Action[" aID "] ?`n`n" msgbox_prompt .= " Type:`t" aType "`n" msgbox_prompt .= " Path:`t" aPath "`n" msgbox_prompt .= ("" != aArg) ? " Arg:`t" aArg : "" msgbox_prompt .= "`n`n" msgbox_prompt .= "(This Action and any Commands which use it`n" msgbox_prompt .= " will all be erased from your savefile.)`n`n" ;~ if( ar_cmds_which_use_this_action.Count() > 0 )
if( StrLen(string_cmds_which_use_this_action) > 0 ){} msgbox_prompt .= "`n" msgbox_prompt .= "------------------------------------------------------`n" msgbox_prompt .= "WARNING `n`n" msgbox_prompt .= "The following Commands use Action[" aID "]`n" msgbox_prompt .= "and will also be deleted: `n" msgbox_prompt .= "------------------------------------------------------`n`n" msgbox_prompt .= string_cmds_which_use_this_action }
msgbox_title := "DELETE" MsgBox, % msgbox_options, % msgbox_title, %msgbox_prompt% IfMsgBox, Cancel return
IfMsgBox, OK {} ; delete all cmds in string_cmds_which_use_this_action ; delete action
if( StrLen(string_cmds_which_use_this_action) > 0 ){}
Loop, Parse, string_cmds_which_use_this_action, `n`n {} GuiConfigMain.Fn_DeleteCommand( A_LoopField ) }
GuiConfigMain.Fn_DeleteAction( aID ) }
return }
Fn_Action_Buttons_Enable() {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction return }
Fn_Action_Buttons_Disable( flag_allow_run:=false ) {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() GuiControl, ConfigMain: Disable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditAction GuiControl, ConfigMain: Disable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteAction
if(false == flag_allow_run){} GuiControl, ConfigMain: Disable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction }
else{} GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonRunAction }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonNewCmd() {} global ; GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup_Command_Add() GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("command", "add") return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonEditCmd() {} global GuiConfigMain.Create_Popup("command", "edit") return }
; [~] TODO: new option checkbox: Show confirmation warning before deleting an Action or Command.
GUI_EVENT_ButtonDeleteCmd() {} global GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ;=============================================== ; Get the row# of the selected ListView item. ;=============================================== which_row := LV_GetNext(0)
if( 0 == which_row ){} ; User pressed Delete Command button with no selection. return }
cmd_txt := "" LV_GetText(cmd_txt, which_row, 1) msgbox_type_ok_cancel := 1 msgbox_icon_question := 32 msgbox_default_button := 256 msgbox_options := msgbox_type_ok_cancel + msgbox_icon_question + msgbox_default_button msgbox_prompt := "" msgbox_prompt .= "Delete the following Command?`n`n" msgbox_prompt .= "`t" cmd_txt "`n`n`n" msgbox_prompt .= "( This Command will be erased from your savefile,`n" msgbox_prompt .= " but its Action will not be removed. )`n`n" msgbox_title := "DELETE" MsgBox, % msgbox_options, % msgbox_title, %msgbox_prompt% IfMsgBox, Cancel return IfMsgBox, OK GuiConfigMain.Fn_DeleteCommand( cmd_txt ) return }
Fn_Command_Buttons_Enable() {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCommand GuiControl, ConfigMain: Enable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCommand return }
Fn_Command_Buttons_Disable() {} GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() GuiControl, ConfigMain: Disable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonEditCommand GuiControl, ConfigMain: Disable, GuiConfigMain_ButtonDeleteCommand return }
GUI_EVENT_CheckboxShowAll() {} global ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Change label depending on state. ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; When Checkbox is on, ; ; - ListView will display: ; all Commands ; ; - GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll will display text: ; SHOW ALL (Uncheck to hide disabled commands) ; ; When Checkbox is off ; ; - ListView will display: ; only enabled Commands ; ; - GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll will display text: ; SHOW ALL (Check to also show disabled commands) ; ;---------------------------------------------------- GuiControlGet,show_all_state,, GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll
if( show_all_state ){} txt := GuiConfigMain.CheckboxShowAll_TextForChecked GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ShowAll() }
else{} txt := GuiConfigMain.CheckboxShowAll_TextForUnchecked GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ShowOnlyEnabled() }
GuiControl,, GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll, %txt% return }
GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonIcon() {} global
if( "" == _o_Gui_Config_IconPicker ){} _o_Gui_Config_IconPicker := new GuiConfigIconPicker() }
return }
GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonExport() {} global return }
GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonImportAsDisabled() {} global return }
GUI_EVENT_Settings_ButtonImportAsEnabled() {} global return }
ListViewActions_Activate() {} global ; ; Word of warning: ; In this current implementation, OnSize() ; will readjust the columns on a resize ; (to prevent horizontal scrollbar when not needed). ; ; Be sure to call ListViewActions_Activate() ; or ListViewCommands_Activate ; before any AutoHotkey ListView function. ;-------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures "Gui, " commands operate on the main GUI window ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; Gui, ConfigMain:Default ;---------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures ListView commands "LV_..()" ; ; operate on this specific ListView ; ;---------------------------------------------------; Gui, ConfigMain:ListView, GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions return }
ListViewActions_ReadjustAllCols() {} global ; see notes above in GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() ; Adjust all column widths to fit all contents without trailing "..." LV_ModifyCol(1,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(2,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(3,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(4,"AutoHdr") return }
ListViewActions_AddNewAction( p_actionID, p_actionType, p_actionPath, p_actionArg ) {} global ; msgBOX id[%p_actionID%] type[%p_actionType%] path[%p_actionPath%] ar[%p_actionArg%] ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() options := "" ; msgBOX %success% LV_Add( options , p_actionID , p_actionType , p_actionPath , p_actionArg ) return }
ListViewCommands_Activate() {} global ; ; Word of warning: ; In this current implementation, OnSize() ; will readjust the columns on a resize ; (to prevent horizontal scrollbar when not needed). ; ; Be sure to call ListViewActions_Activate() ; or ListViewCommands_Activate ; before any AutoHotkey ListView function. ;-------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures "Gui, " commands operate on the main GUI window ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; Gui, ConfigMain:Default ;---------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures ListView commands "LV_..()" ; ; operate on this specific ListView ; ;---------------------------------------------------; Gui, ConfigMain:ListView, GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; see: ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- return }
ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() {} global ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; These lines ensure the next ListView function ("LV_...()") ; will specifically use GuiConfigMain's ListView for Commands ;----------------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Docs for ListView, ModifyCol, AutoHdr ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHdr: ; Adjusts the column's width to fit ; its contents and the column's header text, ; whichever is wider. ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- LV_ModifyCol(1,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(2,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(3,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(4,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(5,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(6,"AutoHdr") return }
ListViewCommands_ShowOnlyEnabled() {} global ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() i_lv_rows := LV_GetCount() ;----------------------- ; iterate ListView items
while(i_lv_rows > 0) {} ;---------------------------------- ; get the cmd in each ListView row LV_GetText(cmd, i_lv_rows) ;----------------------------------------- ; ensure cmd is present in _COMMANDS array
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){} ; msgbox has key [%cmd%] ; if the Command is disabled, ; then remove that Command's ListView entry
if( false == _COMMANDS[cmd]["enabled"] ){} LV_Delete( i_lv_rows ) }
i_lv_rows := i_lv_rows - 1 }
return }
ListViewCommands_ShowAll() {} global ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ar_enabled := {} ;----------------------- ; iterate ListView items
Loop % LV_GetCount() {} ;---------------------------------- ; get the cmd in each ListView row LV_GetText(cmd, A_Index) ar_enabled[cmd] := true }
for cmd, cmd_data in _COMMANDS {}
if ar_enabled.HasKey(cmd){} continue }
lv_cmd_options := (true==cmd_data["enabled"]) ? "+Check" : "-Check" cmd_action_id := cmd_data["action_id"] action_type := _ACTIONS[cmd_action_id]["type"] action_path := _ACTIONS[cmd_action_id]["path"] action_arg := _ACTIONS[cmd_action_id]["arg"] LV_Add(lv_cmd_options ; Check row if Command is enabled , cmd ; row 1 , "" ; row 2 , cmd_action_id ; row 3 , action_type ; row 4 , action_path ; row 5 , action_arg ) ; row 6 }
return }
ListViewCommands_UpdateAllWhichUseAction( p_actionID ) {} global aID := p_actionID aType := _ACTIONS[aID]["type"] aPath := _ACTIONS[aID]["path"] aArg := _ACTIONS[aID]["arg"] msgBOX id[%aID%] type[%aType%] path[%aPath%] ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ; iterate ListView items
Loop % LV_GetCount() {} ; get the cmd in each ListView row LV_GetText(cmd, A_Index) ; ensure cmd is present in _COMMANDS array
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){} ; if the Command uses this updated Action ; then update that Command's ListView entry with updated Action config
if( aID == _COMMANDS[cmd]["action_id"] ){} ;------------------------------------------------------ ; AutoHotkey Docs, Ternary Operator: ; ; lv_cmd_options := (true==_COMMANDS[cmd]["enabled"]) ? "+Check" : "-Check" LV_Modify(A_Index , lv_cmd_options ; no options , cmd ; row 1 , ; row 2 is always empty , aID ; row 3 , aType ; row 4 , aPath ; row 5 , aArg ) ; row 6 }
return }
Create_Popup(mode, purpose:="") {} global ; Parameters ;---------------------------------------------------- ; mode is either: "command" or "action" ; purpose is either: "add" or "edit" ;---------------------------------------------------- plural := ("command"=mode) ? "Commands" : "Actions" caps := ("command"=mode) ? "Command" : "Action" AR := ("command"=mode) ? "_COMMANDS" : "_ACTIONS" ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Here, ensure the next ListView function ("LV_...()") ; will specifically use the appropriate ListView in GuiConfigMain ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
;==================================================================== ; ; Note: ; ; AutoHotkey Info : Dynamically Calling + Function References ; ;==================================================================== ; ; The line `GuiConfigMain[fn]()` will call one of these two functions ; ; GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ; GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() ;==================================================================== ; ; Read more about how this works: ; ; ; ; ; -> end of first section begins with `x.y[z]()` example. ;====================================================================
; fn := "ListView" plural "_Activate" GuiConfigMain[fn]()
if("" == purpose){}
;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If LV_GetNext(0) succeeds, then a row is selected. ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; The user either hit <Enter> or double-clicked that row. ; An "Edit Action/Command" popup will appear for this item. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If LV_GetNext(0) fails, then there is no selection. ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; The user either hit <Enter> w/o a selection or ; double-clicked a blank area, not a row. ; A "New Action/Command" popup will appear. ;-----------------------------------------------------------
if( 0 != LV_GetNext(0) ){} purpose := "edit" }
else{} purpose := "add" }
if( "command" == mode or "action" == mode) {} ;============================================= ; Create Popup to Add a (Command or Action) ;=============================================
if( "add" == purpose ){} ;------------------------------------------ ; Create Popup, ; if this global var is empty. ;------------------------------------------ ;
if( _o_Gui_Config_Popup == "" ){} _o_Gui_Config_Popup := new GuiConfigPopup(mode, "add") }
else{ ;error; _____SUMMARY_END_____ MsgBox, 16, [ PROGRAM ERROR ], % "Whoops, big bug, a Popup is already open!`n" }
;============================================= ; Create Popup to Edit a (Command or Action) ;=============================================
else if( "edit" == purpose ){} ;=============================================== ; Get the row# of the selected ListView item. ;=============================================== which_row := LV_GetNext(0) ;================================ ; Exit if no selection to edit. ;================================
if( 0 == which_row ){} return ; User pressed "Edit Selected..." Button ; with no selection. ; Ignore. }
;=============================================== ; Get the selected row's 1st column, either: ; - the Action's ID ; - the Command's text ;=============================================== LV_GetText(aID_or_cmd, which_row, 1)
;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Info, using a %variable_name% stored in a string ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Here, I'd like to showcase a language feature of AutoHotkey, ; ; where you can %resolve% a variable stored in a string ; in order to dynamically change the variable a line uses. ; ; ; The following logic : ; ; AR := ("command" == mode) ? "_COMMANDS" : "_ACTIONS" ; ; if( %AR%.HasKey(aID_or_cmd) ){ .. } ; ; serves to dynamically turn this if branch ; into the following: ; ; if( _ACTIONS.HasKey(row_cmd) ){ .. } ; if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(row_cmd) ){ .. } ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; However, the following if branch ; can alternatively be replaced with this instead : ; ; if("command" == mode){ ; valid_key := _COMMANDS.HasKey(row_cmd) ; } ; if("action" == mode){ ; valid_key := _ACTIONS.HasKey(row_cmd) ; } ; if( valid_key ){ ... } ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey docs: ; ; ; ; (see %Var% in the operators table ^) ;--------------------------------------------------------------
;=============================================== ; Ensure the row is still valid in main array ;=============================================== AR := ("command" == mode) ? "_COMMANDS" : "_ACTIONS"
if( %AR%.HasKey( aID_or_cmd ) ){} ;=============================================== ; Store the (Action or Command)'s ListView data ; for the Popup to access. ;=============================================== row_dat := GuiConfigMain.Get_Associative_Array_Of_Selected_LV_Row_Data(which_row) ;============================================================== ; Pluck command for editing ; ( more details in Pluck_Selected_Command_From_COMMANDS() ) ;============================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; Call either ; ; GuiConfigMain.Pluck_Selected_Command_From_COMMANDS() ; or GuiConfigMain.Pluck_Selected_Action_From_ACTIONS() ; ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; See above note on Dynamically Calling Function References ;------------------------------------------------------------- fn := "Pluck_Selected_" caps "_From" AR GuiConfigMain[fn]( aID_or_cmd ) ;=======================================; ; Create Popup : Command Edit ; ;=======================================;
if( _o_Gui_Config_Popup == "" ){} _o_Gui_Config_Popup := new GuiConfigPopup(mode, "edit", row_dat) }
else{ ;then bug; _____SUMMARY_END_____ MsgBox, 16, [ PROGRAM ERROR ], % "Whoops, a Popup is already open.`n" }
else{ ;then bug; _____SUMMARY_END_____ debug_out := "mode[" mode "] purpose[" purpose "] `n" debug_out .= "Trying to open config Popup window, `n" debug_out .= "but array " AR " does not have key[" aID_or_cmd "], `n" msgbox %debug_out% }
return }
Pluck_Selected_Command_From_COMMANDS(p_row_cmd) {} global
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; _COMMANDS and _ACTIONS, keys + values, and edit Popups : ; ; On creating a Popup with purpose "edit", ; for either popup mode "action" or popup mode "command" ; remove the entry from _ACTIONS or _COMMANDS. ; ; Later after either (user cancels or user submits) the popup, ; add the key + value back into _ACTIONS or _COMMANDS ; (which is potentially the same, or potentially entirely modified). ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Why this implementation? ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Short answer: ; ; As with all algorithms, there's many ways to accomplish the same thing. ; I liked the simplicity of implementation of this direction most. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Explanation: ; ; When a preexisting Action or Command is edited, ; this implementation removes it from the main internal array ; which holds all the _ACTIONS{} or _COMMANDS{} at runtime. ; ; Later, when a popup submits the user's edited changes, ; first the app checks the _COMMANDS or _ACTIONS array for conflicts ; (depending on whether the _popup_mode is "command" or "action"). ; ; Since no two Commands will ever have the same text, and ; since no two Actions will ever have exactly the same path data, and ; since the app always removes the edited key value pair from ; _COMMANDS or _ARRAYS before editing, ; this not-a-duplicate verification can use the same logic ; as the logic for adding a new Command or Action. ; ; Benefit: ; ; For instance, if the user edits a Command, and renames the Command, ; there's no need for additional logic which checks _COMMANDS ; for the old command key, compares it to what is potentially a new key ; then additionally checks for preexisting other Commands with the same key. ; ; In this current implementation, since we remove the key upfront, ; if the key doesn't exist, ; then we can immediately add it in, ; regardless of whether it's edited or brand new. ; ; If the Command keeps the same name and only changes the Action configuration ; then the key which was plucked from _COMMANDS can be added back in ; with a slightly different value for the corresponding Action data to trigger. ; And no other logic is needed other than `if(!_COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd))`. ; ; Tradeoff: ; ; This current design choice potentially has the drawback ; of being unintuitive at a glance, ; but the benefit of the simplicity of verification logic ; was appealing enough to me to go this route. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
;================================================================= ; Pluck and save current row's command data ; from _COMMANDS array ; into _plucked_command variable. ;================================================================= ; How _plucked_command will be used: ; ; If user cancels, ; when GuiConfigPopup is closed ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnClose will use _plucked_command ; to restore the command to the _COMMANDS array. ; ; If user submits an edited command, ; we'll assign new command data to the _COMMANDS array, ; and make _plucked_command empty to prevent ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnClose from restoring it. ;=================================================================
GuiConfigMain._plucked_command := { "" . "command": p_row_cmd , "enabled": _COMMANDS[p_row_cmd]["enabled"] , "action_id": _COMMANDS[p_row_cmd]["action_id"] } ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Deletes from the array storing all our Commands. ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Doing this allows both Popup->EditCmd + Popup->AddCmd ; to use the same logic (_COMMANDS.HasKey()) to ensure ; the user's input won't become a duplicate entry. ; _COMMANDS.Delete(p_row_cmd) return }
Discard_Plucked_Command() {} global ;---------------------------------------- ; Remove backup of (now) edited command ;---------------------------------------- ; Making this variable empty will prevent ; ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnClose and ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnEscape ; ; from automatically restoring ; the old version of this Command ; ; when the GuiConfigPopup GUI is closed. ;---------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain._plucked_command := "" return }
Restore_Plucked_Command_If_User_Cancelled() {} global ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If user cancelled out of the GuiConfigPopup GUI ; then restore the original Command to the _COMMANDS array. ;-----------------------------------------------------------
if( "" != GuiConfigMain._plucked_command ) {} cmd := GuiConfigMain._plucked_command["command"] is_enabled := GuiConfigMain._plucked_command["enabled"] aID := GuiConfigMain._plucked_command["action_id"] _COMMANDS[cmd] := { "action_id":aID, "enabled":is_enabled } GuiConfigMain._plucked_command := "" }
return }
Pluck_Selected_Action_From_ACTIONS(p_action_id) {} global ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; same as GuiConfigMain.Pluck_Selected_Command_From_COMMANDS ;------------------------------------------------------------ GuiConfigMain._plucked_action := { "" . "action_id" : p_action_id , "action_type": _ACTIONS[p_action_id]["type"] , "action_path": _ACTIONS[p_action_id]["path"] , "action_arg" : _ACTIONS[p_action_id]["arg"] } _ACTIONS.Delete(p_action_id) return }
Discard_Plucked_Action() {} global GuiConfigMain._plucked_action := "" return }
Restore_Plucked_Action_If_User_Cancelled() {} global ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; If user cancelled out of the GuiConfigPopup GUI ; then restore the original Command to the _COMMANDS array. ;-----------------------------------------------------------
if( "" != GuiConfigMain._plucked_action ) {} aID := GuiConfigMain._plucked_action["action_id"] aType := GuiConfigMain._plucked_action["action_type"] aPath := GuiConfigMain._plucked_action["action_path"] aArg := GuiConfigMain._plucked_action["action_arg"] _ACTIONS[aID] := {"type":aType, "path":aPath, "arg":aArg} GuiConfigMain._plucked_action := "" }
return }
;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Only called for "edit" Popups, either mode ("action" or "command") ;
Get_Associative_Array_Of_Selected_LV_Row_Data( selected_row ) {} global local got_cmd, got_cmd_is_enabled local got_actionId, got_actionType, got_actionType, got_actionArg
;----------------------------------------------------- ; Parameter: selected_row ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ; - ListView row ID (integer) ; for the active ListView in GuiConfigMain ; (either a row in GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions ; or GuiConfigMain_ListViewCmds). ; ; - This function will copy that row's data, ; for the "edit" Popup to read. ; ; - When the "edit" Popup "Submits" its data ; it modifies the ListView row with this ID ; to reflect the edited action or command. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------
;======================================================== ; Create the associative array to hold the row's data in ; for Popup to reference ;======================================================== row_dat := {} ;======================================== ; Refresh the variable GuiConfigMain_Tabs ; which stores the current tab name ;======================================== Gui, ConfigMain:Submit, NoHide ;======================================== ; Copy selected ListView Row's data ;========================================
if( "Actions" == GuiConfigMain_Tabs ){} GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() got_cmd := "" ; not used for this type of config popup got_cmd_is_enabled := "" ; not used for this type of config popup LV_GetText(got_actionID, selected_row,1) LV_GetText(got_actionType, selected_row,2) LV_GetText(got_actionPath, selected_row,3) LV_GetText(got_actionArg, selected_row,4) }
else if( "Commands" == GuiConfigMain_Tabs ){} GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate()
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Docs: ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; LV_GetNext(StartingRowNumber, RowType) ; ; "... the search begins at the row after StartingRowNumber" ; ; "If RowType is omitted, ; the function searches for the next selected/highlighted row. ; Otherwise, specify "C" or "Checked" to find the next checked row; ; or "F" or "Focused" to find the focused row ..." ; ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
got_cmd_is_enabled := LV_GetNext(selected_row-1, "C") LV_GetText(got_cmd, selected_row,1) ; column 2 is just an arrow "->" to visually separate cmd cols from action cols LV_GetText(got_actionID, selected_row,3) LV_GetText(got_actionType, selected_row,4) LV_GetText(got_actionPath, selected_row,5) LV_GetText(got_actionArg, selected_row,6) }
;========================================================== ; Initialize the row_dat array with the ListView Row data ;========================================================== row_dat["LV_id"] := selected_row row_dat["row_cmd"] := got_cmd row_dat["row_cmd_is_enabled"] := got_cmd_is_enabled row_dat["row_actionID"] := got_actionId row_dat["row_actionType"] := got_actionType row_dat["row_actionPath"] := got_actionPath row_dat["row_actionArg"] := got_actionArg return row_dat }
Fn_EnableCommand( cmd ) {} global
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){} _COMMANDS[cmd]["enabled"] := true FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile__Enable_Command( cmd ) }
return }
Fn_DisableCommand( cmd ) {} global
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){} _COMMANDS[cmd]["enabled"] := false FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile__Disable_Command( cmd ) ;---------------------------------------------- ; If user has chosen to hide disabled commands ; (in GuiConfigMain's Commands ListView), ; ; then hide this Command too. ;---------------------------------------------- GuiControlGet,show_all_state,, GuiConfigMain_CheckboxShowAll
if( false == show_all_state ){} GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ShowOnlyEnabled() }
return }
Fn_DeleteCommand( cmd_to_delete ) {} global GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ; iterate ListView items
Loop % LV_GetCount() {} ; get the cmd in each ListView row LV_GetText(cmd, A_Index, 1) ; ensure cmd is present in _COMMANDS array
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey(cmd) ){}
if( cmd_to_delete == cmd ){} LV_Delete( A_Index ) p1 := "command" p2 := "delete" p3 := cmd FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1, p2, p3 ) break }
return }
Fn_DeleteAction( action_id_to_delete ) {} global GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() ; iterate ListView items
Loop % LV_GetCount() {} ; get the ID in each ListView row LV_GetText(actionID, A_Index, 1) ; ensure ID is present in _ACTIONS array
if( _ACTIONS.HasKey(actionID) ){}
if( action_id_to_delete == actionID ){} LV_Delete( A_Index ) p1 := "action" p2 := "delete" p3 := action_id_to_delete FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1, p2, p3 ) break }
return }
Fn_Change_to_Settings_Tab() {} global text := "Commands|Actions|Settings|| ? " GuiControl, ConfigMain: Choose, GuiConfigMain_Tabs, 3 return }
Fn_Settings_SetIcon( icon_id ) {} global _ICON_INDEX setting := {"setting_name":"icon", "new_value":icon_id} FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( "setting" , "edit" , NA_actionCommand :="" , NA_commandName :="" , setting ) _ICON_INDEX := icon_id Menu, Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, %_ICON_INDEX% gosub ReloadConfigurationWindow return }
Fn_AboutTab_Get_Text(g_width:="") {} 12spaces := " " 3nl := "`n`n`n" 2nl := "`n`n" 1nl := "`n" text := ""
if( "" != g_width and g_width < 585 ){} 12spaces := " " }
text := "" text .= 12spaces text .= 12spaces " " text .= 3nl text .= 12spaces "===========================" 12spaces text .= 2nl text .= 12spaces " _program_launcher.ahk" text .= 2nl text .= 12spaces "===========================" text .= 2nl text .= 12spaces "License:" text .= 1nl text .= 12spaces "Community Commons Zero" text .= 2nl ; msgBOX text is `n%text% return text }
;============================================================ ; end of class: ; GuiConfigMain (Main Window) ;============================================================ }
class GuiConfigIconPicker {} ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Preload "ImageList" of system icons upon app start ; to prevent lag when this window is launched ; (stored in _LV_IconList). ;----------------------------------------------------- static _LV_IconList := "" ; Used across multiple window instances. static _icon_chosen := "" ; Unique per window instance
__New() {} global options_for_Popup := A_Space "+Label" "GuiConfigIconPicker.GUI_EVENT_On" options_for_Popup .= A_Space "+Resize" options_for_Popup .= A_Space "+MinSize300x475" title_for_Popup_Window := "Select Icon for Program Launcher :" Gui, IconConfig:New , %options_for_Popup% , %title_for_Popup_Window% ; Preload fn should be run during config window launch to (potentially) reduce lag. ;
if("" == GuiConfigIconPicker._LV_IconList){} GuiConfigIconPicker.Preload_IconList() }
;--------------------------------------------------------------; ; Temporarily disable GuiConfigMain while this popup exists. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; GuiConfigIconPicker will be a child window of GuiConfigMain, ; ; which will prevent GuiConfigMain ; ; from displaying on top of this popup. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------;
Gui, IconConfig:+OwnerConfigMain Gui, IconConfig: Show Gui ConfigMain: +Disabled return this }
__Delete() {} global ;--------------------------------------- ; Clear static class member variable ;--------------------------------------- GuiConfigIconPicker._icon_chosen := "" ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Re-enable GuiConfigMain, ; now that GuiConfigIconPicker no longer needs prioritized focus. ;----------------------------------------------------------------- Gui ConfigMain: -Disabled ;------------------------------------ ; Destroy GuiConfigIconPicker Window ;------------------------------------ Gui IconConfig: Destroy return }
Preload_IconList() {} global ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Source: ; "TreeView Large Icons - Is it possible?" ; ;---------------------------------------------------------- option_use_large_images := true ImageListID_large := IL_Create(10, , option_use_large_images) ;-------------------------------------------- ; Load the ImageList with system icons. ;--------------------------------------------
Loop 329 {} IL_Add(ImageListID_large, "shell32.dll", A_Index) }
GuiConfigIconPicker._LV_IconList := ImageListID_large return }
Init_AddControls() {} global text := "Use Selected Icon" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigIconPicker.GUI_EVENT_Button" options .= A_Space "+Default" Gui, IconConfig:Add, Button , %options% , %text% text := "Use Selected Icon" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigIconPicker.GUI_EVENT_TreeView" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigIconPicker_TreeView" options .= A_Space "hwnd" "HwndIconPickerTreeView" options .= A_Space "ImageList" GuiConfigIconPicker._LV_IconList Gui, IconConfig:Add, TreeView , %options% select_this_one := "" TV_Delete() parent_id := 0
Loop 329 {} tv_id := TV_Add("Icon " A_Index, %parent_id%, "Icon" A_Index)
if( A_Index == _ICON_INDEX ){} select_this_one := tv_id }
if( select_this_one ){} TV_Modify( select_this_one ) }
return }
GUI_EVENT_OnEscape() {} global GuiConfigIconPicker.GUI_EVENT_OnClose() return }
GUI_EVENT_OnClose() {} global
;------------------------------------------------------; ; Call the Destructor method for class GuiConfigPopup. ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; GuiConfigPopup.__Delete() will: ; ; ; ; - push or revert changes ; ; - restore control to GuiConfigMain ; ; - delete and free any vars this object is using ; ; - destroy the popup GUI ; ;------------------------------------------------------;
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Info ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; obj := "" ; Calls the object's __Delete() class destrutor ; if this is the last variable referencing the object instance ; (in this case, it is). ;----------------------------------------------------------------- _o_Gui_Config_IconPicker := "" return }
GUI_EVENT_OnSize() {} global HwndIconPickerTreeView control_padding := 10 op_w := A_GuiWidth op_h := A_GuiHeight ;; padding, probably op_w := op_w -(2*control_padding ) op_h := op_h -(2*control_padding ) - 20 op_x := control_padding op_y := control_padding + 20 c1 := HwndIconPickerTreeView options_movedraw := "H" . op_h . " " . "W" . op_w . " " options_movedraw .= "X" . op_x . " " . "Y" . op_y GuiControl, MoveDraw, %c1%, % options_movedraw return }
GUI_EVENT_Button() {} global icon_id := GuiConfigIconPicker._icon_chosen GuiConfigIconPicker.SubmitIcon( icon_id ) return }
GUI_EVENT_TreeView() {} global ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; If event triggered because user double-clicked
if ( "DoubleClick" = A_GuiEvent ){} ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Extract the icon number from selected TreeView Item's text. ; icon_id := GuiConfigIconPicker.Get_IconID_From_TreeViewID( A_EventInfo ) ;--------------------------------------- ; Submit icon choice upon double-click ; GuiConfigIconPicker.SubmitIcon( icon_id ) }
;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; If event triggered because of TreeView item selection changed
else if ( "S" == A_GuiEvent ){} ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Extract the icon number from selected TreeView Item's text. ; icon_id := GuiConfigIconPicker.Get_IconID_From_TreeViewID( A_EventInfo ) ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Store icon choice (referenced by submit button). ; GuiConfigIconPicker._icon_chosen := icon_id }
return }
SubmitIcon( icon_id ) {} global
if( "" != icon_id and 0 != icon_id ){} ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Tell main Gui to update settings to use this icon. ; GuiConfigMain.Fn_Settings_SetIcon( icon_id ) ;--------------------------- ; Close Icon Config Window. ; GuiConfigIconPicker.GUI_EVENT_OnClose() }
return }
Get_IconID_From_TreeViewID( TreeViewItemID ) {} global ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; TreeView IDs are not linear, ; so we know which TreeView Item was clicked or selected, ; but we don't know what its position is within the treeview. ; ; So we need to extract the Icon ID ; from the selected TreeView Item's text. ;------------------------------------------------------------ icon_id := "" ;------------------------------------------------------ ; First, we get the text of the selected TreeView Item ; TV_GetText(tv_text, A_EventInfo) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Next we remove the leading "Icon " to store ; only the trailing number at the end of the TreeView Item's text ; icon_id := RegExReplace(tv_text, "^Icon[ ]*", "") return icon_id }
class GuiConfigPopup {} static _popup_mode := "" ; either: "command" or "action" static _popup_purpose := "" ; either: "add" or "edit" static _LV_RowData_FromMainGui := {} static _isPathValid := "" static _LV_selected_action_id := "" ; for Command ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; storing all the different text branches for this submit button ; inside this associative array ; ; can access using : ; a := GuiConfigPopup.text["action_popup"]["add"] ; b := GuiConfigPopup.text["command_popup"]["edit"]["tab2"] ; static text := { "" . "action_popup" :{ "add" : "Add NEW ACTION!" ,"edit" : "Change this action!"} , "command_popup" :{ "add" :{ "tab1" : "Add NEW ACTION and `n" . "assign to NEW COMMAND! " ,"tab2" : "Use Action[] and `n" . "assign to NEW COMMAND!"} ,"edit" :{ "tab1" : "Add NEW ACTION and `n" . " assign to this command! " ,"tab2" : "Use Action[] and `n" . " assign to this command! " } } } ;[~] ;====================================================================================== ; This class, GuiConfigPopup, is a grouping of functionality for ; the popup config windows (GUIS) generated for GuiConfigMain's first tab, ; - "Edit a Command" or ; - "New Command" ; ; Contained below is all the functionality needed ; to process input & respond to UI events, ; ; and are grouped here primarily for organizational cleanliness. ; ; To make this app simple to understand, ; I initially tried to use labels exclusively instead of functions or classes. ; However, ; this led to a long long stream of labels with no clear visual oranization. ; ; ;====================================================================================== ;====================================================; ; Creates the GUI to edit a command ; ; When: ; ; - User double-clicks a Command or ; ; - User selects a Command and presses <Enter> ; ; in GuiConfigMain's Tab "Commands" ; ;====================================================;
__New(mode, purpose, row_data_if_editing:="", silent:=false ) {} global GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode := mode GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose := purpose GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui := row_data_if_editing
/* Syntax reference: */ row_dat["LV_id"] := selected_row row_dat["row_cmd"] := got_cmd row_dat["row_cmd_is_enabled"] := got_cmd_is_enabled row_dat["row_actionID"] := got_actionId row_dat["row_actionType"] := got_actionType row_dat["row_actionPath"] := got_actionPath row_dat["row_actionArg"] := got_actionArg */
GuiConfigPopup.Initialize_Gui_gVariables() GuiConfigPopup.Init_Config_GuiWindow_Options() GuiConfigPopup.Init_AddControls_1() GuiConfigPopup.Init_AddControls_2_Both_ConfigNewAction() GuiConfigPopup.Init_AddControls_3_Cmd_SecondTab() GuiConfigPopup.Init_AddControls_4_Both_SubmitButton()
;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Note: ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; The name "PopupConfig" is arbitrarily used here ; ; to tell commands like ; ; ; ; - "Gui, ArbitraryGuiName:Add, .." and ; ; - "GuiControl, ArbitraryGuiName: %stringSubCommand% ; ; , ArbitraryControlName, %someVar%" ; ; ; ; which GUI they should specifically operate upon. ; ; ; ; This "PopupConfig" just a name, not a variable ; ; and should not be confused with: ; ; ; ; - "GuiConfigPopup", ; ; which is the class organizing all these functions together ; ; ; ; - nor with "_o_Gui_Config_Popup", ; ; which is an instatiated object of the class "GuiConfigPopup".; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------;
;==========================================================; ; Render + Display GuiConfigPopup's GUI window ; ;==========================================================; ;----------------------------------------------------------; ; Temporarily disable GuiConfigMain while ; ; this popup exists (so the ListView order ; ; cannot be changed/rearranged while editing) ; ; ; ; GuiConfigPopup will be a child window of GuiConfigMain, ; ; which will prevent GuiConfigMain ; ; from displaying on top of this popup. ; ;==========================================================; Gui, PopupConfig:+OwnerConfigMain
if( false == silent ){} Gui, PopupConfig: Show Gui ConfigMain: +Disabled }
;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Manual call to OnSize() with this flag: ; Initializes the functions static variables which ; store previous window width and height between Event calls. GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_OnSize("Gui up and running") ;---------------------------------- ; Fine tuning of Control Widths ; and ; initializes the label reporting ; whether the file path is valid GuiConfigPopup.Init_Config_Controls_After_Render() return this }
__Delete() {} global ; If PopupCommand successfully edited a command, this will be ignored. ; If PopupCommand was cancelled by User, then this will restore the command.
if( "action" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode ){} GuiConfigMain.Restore_Plucked_Action_If_User_Cancelled() }
if( "command" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode ){} GuiConfigMain.Restore_Plucked_Command_If_User_Cancelled() }
;-------------------------------------------------- ; Clear instance class member vars ; ; (used for storing gui's recent size & comparing ; to current w+h upon gui window "OnSize()" event) ;-------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode := "" GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose := "" GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_OnSize("RESET") GuiConfigPopup._isPathValid := "" GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id := "" ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Readjust main GUI's ListView columns for Commands ;--------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Re-enable GuiConfigMain, ; now that GuiConfigPopup no longer needs prioritized focus. ;-------------------------------------------------------- Gui ConfigMain: -Disabled Gui PopupConfig: Destroy return }
Initialize_Gui_gVariables() {} global GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_InputCommandName := "" GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs := "" ; see footnote[1] GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions := "" GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_TextDragAndDrop := "" GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder := "" GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp := "" GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath := "" GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelVerified := "" GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit := ""
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; footnote[1] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Used for dynamically changing the submit button for Add|Edit Command. ; If not cleared here, it will persist between popups, ; and exiting an "Edit Command" popup on the 2nd tab ; would glitch future "Add Command" or "Edit Command" popups ; (causing the text for the second tab's submit button ; to display incorrectly on the 1st tab) ; when they open (by default) to the 1st tab. ; ; Hence it's a good practice to clear global variables ; for GUIs which are created multiple times over the lifespan of a script. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
return }
Init_Config_GuiWindow_Options() {} global ;======================================================== ; Configure a GUI popup to [Add|Edit] a [Command|Action] ;======================================================== minsize := ("command" == this._popup_mode) ? "+MinSize340x567" : "+MinSize275x425" options_for_Popup := A_Space "+Label" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_On" options_for_Popup .= A_Space "+Resize" options_for_Popup .= A_Space minsize title_mode := ("command" == this._popup_mode) ? "COMMAND" : "ACTION" title_purpose := ("add" == this._popup_purpose) ? "add new!" : "edit..." title_for_Popup_Window := title_mode " - " title_purpose Gui, PopupConfig:New , %options_for_Popup% , %title_for_Popup_Window% return
;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Info : Ternary Operator ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; myVar := (ifThisEvalsToTrue) ? thenAssignThis : otherwiseAssignThis ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
Init_AddControls_1() {} global ;=======================================================; ; These Controls: ; ;=======================================================; ; - `Text` Label "Command:" for input field ; ; - `Edit` Input field for Command ; ; - `Tab3` Tab container for action selection ; ; to assign to Command ; ; ; ;=======================================================; ; are only present for these Popups: ; ;=======================================================; ; - Command Add ; - Command Edit ;
if("command" == this._popup_mode){} ;=================================== ; Add `Text` labled "Command:" and ; Add `Edit` user input for Command ;=================================== ;----------------------------------------- ; Label "Command:" before user input field ;-----------------------------------------
if("add" == this._popup_purpose){} text := "Type the text for your new Command :" }
else if("edit" == this._popup_purpose){} text := "Command :" }
options := "y+15 cBlue" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% ;-------------------------------------- ; User input field ;-------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------- ; If editing a command, ; then this `Edit` Control uses ; var LV Row's command as initial text ; text := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_cmd"] options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_InputCommandName" options .= A_Space "-Multi -WantTab" options .= A_Space "w500" options .= A_Space "y+10" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Edit , %options% , %text% ;------------------------------------------ ; Label "Choose the Action it will trigger" ; after Command input area ; just before Tab container for Actions ;------------------------------------------ text := "Choose the Action it will trigger :" options := A_Space "y+20 cBlue" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% ;================================ ; Add Tab Container with 2 tabs ; - Add New Action ; - Use Existing Action ;================================ text := "Add New Action|Use Existing Action" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs" options .= A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_Cmd_TabChanged" options .= A_Space "w500" options .= A_Space "y+10" ; Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Tab3, w600 h500 vGuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Tab3 , %options% , %text% }
;===============================================================; ; This "Text" Control labeled "Create/Configure Action:" ; ; is only present for these Popups: ; ;===============================================================; ; - Action Add ; - Action Edit ;
else if("action" == this._popup_mode){} row_actionID := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_actionID"] text := ("add" == this._popup_purpose) ? "Create a new Action :" : "Configure Action[" row_actionID "] :" options := A_Space "cBlue" options .= A_Space "y+15" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% }
return }
Init_AddControls_2_Both_ConfigNewAction() {} global ;=========================================================================; ; The following Controls: ; ; - `Text` Control informing about "Drag-n-Drop" ; ; - `Radio` Control choice between "Open Folder" or "Open Application" ; ; - series of Controls to choose Action's Path (to folder or app) ; ;=========================================================================; ; are present for all Popups: ; ;=========================================================================; ; - Action Add ; ; - Action Edit ; ; - Command Add ; ; - Command Edit ; ;=========================================================================;
if("command" == this._popup_mode){} ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- ; ; `Tab` present for Command Add & Command Edit. ; ; GuiConfigPopup's ; 1st Tab will receive Gui Controls added after the following line: Gui, Tab, 1 ; ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- }
;========================================= ; Add `Text` Label: ;----------------------------------------- ; Inform User Drag-n-Drop is possible here ;========================================= text := "`n" text .= "Note:`n`n" text .= " You can drag and drop a single file or folder `n" text .= "onto of any portion of this window`n" text .= "to populate the fields below." text .= "`n`n" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_TextDragAndDrop" options .= A_Space "Border Center" options .= A_Space "y+20" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% ;=============================== ; Add `Radio` choice: ; () Open Folder ; () Open Application ;=============================== ;----------------------------------------- ; Display "Type:" before radio choice ;----------------------------------------- text := "Action Type :" options := A_Space "y+20" options .= A_Space "cTeal" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text ,%options% , %text% row_actionType := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_actionType"] ;----------------------------------------- ; `Radio` choice: Open Folder ;----------------------------------------- text := "Open Folder" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_RadioChanged" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder" ; options .= A_Space "y+15" options .= A_Space "y+10"
if( "folder" = row_actionType ){} options .= A_Space "+Checked" }
Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Radio , %options% , %text% ;----------------------------------------- ; `Radio` choice: Open Application ;----------------------------------------- text := "Open Application" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_RadioChanged" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp"
if( "app" = row_actionType ){} options .= A_Space "+Checked" }
Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Radio , %options% , %text% ;================================================================ ; Add Controls to Configure Action's Path ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; - `Text` : Display "Path" ; - `Button` : Open file or folder picker ; - `Edit` : Input field for path (to Folder or Application) ; - `Text` : Display "(valid folder)" or "(valid path)" ;================================================================ text := "Path :" ; options := A_Space "y+30" options := A_Space "y+20" options .= A_Space "cTeal" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% text := "Browse" options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_BrowseButton" options .= A_Space "-Default" options .= A_Space "section" ; options .= A_Space "y+15" options .= A_Space "y+10" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Button , %options% , %text% text := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_actionPath"] options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_InputPath" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath" options .= A_Space "-Multi -WantTab" options .= A_Space "ys w400" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Edit , %options% , %text% ;-------------------------------------------------- ; The "(valid folder)" "(valid file)" label ; will be dynamically populated every time ; the path is checked for an existing file/folder. ; text := "" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelVerified" options .= A_Space "w120" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% ;================================================================ ; Add Controls to Configure Action's Arguments if App ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; - `Text` : Display "Arguments" ; - `Edit` : Input field for Arguments to call App with ;================================================================ text := "Arguments :" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments1" ; options .= A_Space "y+30" options .= A_Space "y+17" options .= A_Space "xs" options .= A_Space "cTeal" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% text := ""
if( "app" = row_actionType ){} text := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_actionArg"] }
; options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_Arguments" options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments" options .= A_Space "-Multi -WantTab" ; options .= A_Space "ys w390" options .= A_Space "w457" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Edit , %options% , %text% text := " ( Optional: for advanced use. See tutorial in Savefile. ) " options := A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments2" options .= A_Space "section" ; options .= A_Space "+Border" options .= A_Space "h30" ; options .= A_Space "cTeal" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Text , %options% , %text% return }
Init_AddControls_3_Cmd_SecondTab() {} global ;========================================================; ; This `ListView` displaying all current Actions ; ; is only present in these Popups: ; ;========================================================; ; - Command Add ; - Command Edit ;
if("command" == this._popup_mode){} ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- ; ; `Tab` present for Command Add & Command Edit. ; ; GuiConfigPopup's ; 2nd Tab will receive Gui Controls added after the following line: Gui, Tab, 2 ; ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- ;========================================== ; Add `ListView` to choose existing Action ;========================================== gui_name := "PopupConfig" goto_name := "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions" control_name := "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions" REUSABLE_GUI_CONTROLS.create_listview_of_actions( gui_name , goto_name , control_name ) LV_ModifyCol(1,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(2,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(3,"AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(4,"AutoHdr") }
return }
Init_AddControls_4_Both_SubmitButton() {} global
if("command" == this._popup_mode){} ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- ; ; `Tab` present for Command Add & Command Edit only. ; ; GuiConfigPopup will place Gui Controls added after ; the following line below the Tab Container: Gui, Tab, ; ;----------------------------TAB SWITCH---------------------------- }
;=========================================================================; ; The `Button` Control named GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit ; ; is present for all Popups: ; ;=========================================================================; ; - Action Add ; ; - Action Edit ; ; - Command Add ; ; - Command Edit ; ;=========================================================================;
;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; About the Submit Button's Functionality ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; If all the options the user enters into the above Controls ; are valid paths & non-duplicate Command names ; this button will either: ; ; - Add a new Action or ; - Automatically assign ; a preexisting identical Action ; ; Then (for Commands) ; ; 1. This command:ID pair will be added ; to internal _COMMANDS array as: ; - a totally new entry, or ; - a restored entry, or ; - a modified entry). ; ; 2. The Command (in the first "Edit" input box) ; can now be used to trigger this Action. ; ; 3. Then this "GuiConfigPopup" Gui will close. ; ; Or Then (for Actions) ; ; 1. If edited, the updated Action will be added to _ACTIONS ; and any Commands referencing that ID will now trigger it. ; ; 2. If added, the new Action will be added to _ACTIONS ; but it will need to be assigned to a Command ; before it can be triggered. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------
;========================================== ; Add `Button` to Submit Command or Action ;========================================== text := GuiConfigPopup.get_submit_button_text() options := A_Space "g" "GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_ButtonSubmit" options .= A_Space "v" "GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit" options .= A_Space "+Default" options .= A_Space "y+20 xm" Gui, PopupConfig:Add, Button , %options% , %text% return }
Init_Config_Controls_After_Render() {} global ;================================================== ; stretch the info label's width ;================================================== ; ; present in all Popups: ; ; - Action Add ; - Action Edit ; - Command Add ; - Command Edit ;---------------------------- c := "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_TextDragAndDrop" w := 470
if( "action" == this._popup_mode){} w := w - 15 }
GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, w%w% ;================================================== ; stretch ListView on any Command Popup's 2nd Tab ;================================================== ; ; present in Popups: ; ; - Command Add ; - Command Edit ;----------------------------
if( "command" == this._popup_mode ){} c := "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions" w := 470 ; - 50 GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, w%w% }
;==================================================== ; If the action's path is okay, ; make the GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelVerified ; control display the text "(Valid)" ;==================================================== ; ; present in all Popups: ; ; - Action Add ; - Action Edit ; - Command Add ; - Command Edit ;---------------------------- GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh() ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When a folder is the Action type, ; don't display the fields to input Arguments for opening an executable. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_ToggleArgumentsIfNotApp() return }
GUI_EVENT_OnSize(FLAG:="") {} global ;================================= ; Adjust Size of ; ; Tab box ; Input Box: Command Name ; Input Box: Action Path ; Label: About Drag and Drop ;=================================
;------------------------------------------------------------ ; OnSize() will be called once when the Gui is rendered ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Every time this function is called automatically due ; to an AutoHotkey event triggering OnSize(), ; this function's static vars will persistently remember ; the Gui's last size before a resize event. ; ; We'll ignore the resizing branch during the first call, ; (a) because all the Controls are properly placed ; (b) because the user hasn't resized the window yet. ; ; ; Then all subsequent calls will get the "delta" height value ; (representing the amount of change in height) ; comparing the current size to the previous size. ; ; This is especially useful to easily calculate y-coordinates ; but with rapid calls, sometimes AutoHotkey can't keep up ; and a bit of deviations in consistency will appear. ; ; When possible, it's better to use absolute positionings ; and offsets, but this delta method works well enough ; considering its ease. ; ; Shout-out to AutoXYWH: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------
static previous_width static previous_height static is_baked ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Manual Function Calls with Flags ; ;****************************************************************************** ;========================================== ; Initialize static vars & control offsets ;==========================================
if( "Gui up and running" == FLAG){} is_baked := true return ; A_GuiWidth isn't populated when OnSize() is called manually. }
else if( "RESET" == FLAG){} is_baked := false return ; in process of calling __Delete() for this popup gui instance. }
;****************************************************************************** ; ; AutoHotkey Event calls to OnSize() ; ;******************************************************************************
if( true == is_baked ) {} ar_ctrls := [ "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_InputCommandName" , "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs" , "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath" , "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_TextDragAndDrop" , "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments" , "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions" , "GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit" ]
for i, c in ar_ctrls {}
;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note on algorithm, past and present. ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; I replaced my previous implementation using: ; ; delta_w := A_GuiWidth - previous_width ; ; with the following offsets I found through ; trial-and-error. ; ; These seemingly arbitrary offsets ; take the Gui's Client Area's Width (A_GuiWidth) ; and subtract the margins ; and (where applicable) the tab container's offset. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Gui's Client Area: ; The window's area available to control placement. ; ; the Y coordinates start below the title bar ; and (if applicable) menu bar. ; The X coordinates start to to the right ; of the leftmost window style borders (if they exist). ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; AutoHotkey Docs: ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------
;======================================================== ; Stretch the width of these Controls ; by taking the overall width and subtracting the margins ;======================================================== w := A_GuiWidth - 20
if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_TextDragAndDrop" ){} ;--------------------------------------------- ; This layout is reused in: ; All Command Popups [Add or Edit] on Tab 1 ; All Action Popups [Add or Edit] ; ; However, the Actions layout ; is not embedded inside a Tab container, ; so the offsets will differ. ;---------------------------------------------
if( "action" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode){} w := w - 2 }
else{} w := w - 30 }
else if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath" ){} ;--------------------- ; Same as above ;---------------------
if( "action" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode){} w := w - 57 }
else{} w := w - 100 }
else if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments" ){}
if( "action" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode){} ; w := w - 67 w := w }
else{} ; w := w - 110 w := w - 43 }
;======================================================== ; Stretch the height for Tab container + ListViews ; Reposition y-coordinate for buttons. ;======================================================== ; ; Most of the controls are only stretching their width, ; but some need to ; - change their y-coordinate ; - or stretch their height in addition to their width ; (i.e. Tab Container and ListView) ; ; This branch will ; - calculate these specific needs ; - move the Control, ; - then continue the for loop. ;========================================================
else {} ;----------------------------------------- ; output: ctrl_X, ctrl_Y, ctrl_W, ctrl_H ; GuiControlGet, ctrl_, Pos, %c% delta_h := A_GuiHeight - previous_height
if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs" ){} h := delta_h + ctrl_H w := A_GuiWidth - 20 GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, w%w% h%h% continue }
else if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions" ){} h := delta_h + ctrl_H w := A_GuiWidth - 50 GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, w%w% h%h% continue }
else if( c = "GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit"){} y := ctrl_Y + delta_h GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, y%y% continue }
;======================================================== ; For all controls which just need their width stretched ;======================================================== ;----------------------------------------- ; output: ctrl_X, ctrl_Y, ctrl_W, ctrl_H ; GuiControlGet, ctrl_, Pos, %c% w := (w>150) ? w : ctrl_W GuiControl, PopupConfig: MoveDraw, %c%, w%w% }
;-------------------------------------------- ; These function-scoped static variables ; will remember their values between calls ; previous_width := A_GuiWidth previous_height := A_GuiHeight return }
GUI_EVENT_OnEscape() {} global _o_Gui_Config_Popup.GUI_EVENT_OnClose() return }
GUI_EVENT_OnClose() {} global
;------------------------------------------------------; ; Call the Destructor method for class GuiConfigPopup. ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; GuiConfigPopup.__Delete() will: ; ; ; ; - push or revert changes ; ; - restore control to GuiConfigMain ; ; - delete and free any vars this object is using ; ; - destroy the popup GUI ; ;------------------------------------------------------;
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Info ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; obj := "" ; Calls the object's __Delete() class destrutor ; if this is the last variable referencing the object instance ; (in this case, it is). ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; _o_Gui_Config_Popup := "" return }
GUI_EVENT_OnDropFiles() {} global
;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AutoHotkey Docs for GuiDropFiles ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A_EventInfo and ErrorLevel: ; Both contain the number of files dropped. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A_GuiEvent: ; Contains the names of the files that were dropped, ; with each filename except the last terminated by a linefeed (`n). ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, PopupConfig:Submit, NoHide
if( "action" == GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode or "Add New Action" == GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs ) {} ;-------------------------------------------- ; Populate GUI data with drag-n-dropped file. ;-------------------------------------------- ; User dropped 1 file onto GuiConfigPopup GUI ;--------------------------------------------
if( A_EventInfo == 1 ){} is_dragNdrop_valid := FileExist(A_GuiEvent)
if( "" != is_dragNdrop_valid ){}
if( InStr(is_dragNdrop_valid, "D") ){} ; populate as dir GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder, 1 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp , 0 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %A_GuiEvent% }
else {} ; populate as file GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder, 0 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp , 1 GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %A_GuiEvent% }
;---------------------------------------------------- ; Unsupported. ;---------------------------------------------------- ; User dropped more than 1 file onto GuiConfigPopup GUI ;----------------------------------------------------
else if( A_EventInfo > 1 ){} str_for_usr_output := "_program_launcher.ahk`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "--------------`nOops`n--------------`n" str_for_usr_output .= """Edit a Command"" can't process more than one file.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Ensure you only have one file selected `n" str_for_usr_output .= "in Windows Explorer.`n`n" str_for_usr_output .= "Then try to drag-and-drop it onto this window again.`n" MsgBox,, % "[X] Can't process more than one file for a path.", %str_for_usr_output% }
return }
GUI_EVENT_Cmd_TabChanged() {} global GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_ButtonSubmit_Refresh_Text() return }
GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_RadioChanged() {} global GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh() GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_ToggleArgumentsIfNotApp() return }
GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_BrowseButton() {} global GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh() is_folder_chosen := GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder is_app_chosen := GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp user_chose_path := "" row_actionPath := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["row_actionPath"]
if( is_folder_chosen ){} SplitPath, row_actionPath,, dir FileSelectFolder, user_chose_path, *%dir%,, Select Folder To Open With Command }
else if( is_app_chosen ){} FileSelectFile, user_chose_path, 3, %row_actionPath%, Select Program To Open With Command }
GuiControl,, GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %user_chose_path% return }
GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_InputPath() {} global ; Display (Valid Folder) or (Valid File) if it exists GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh() GuiControlGet, pathSoFar, PopupConfig: , GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath match_without_quotes := "^[""]([^`n`r]*)[""]$"
if( RegExMatch(pathSoFar, match_without_quotes ) ){} path_without_quotes := RegExReplace( pathSoFar, match_without_quotes, "$1" ) GuiControl, PopupConfig: , GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath, %path_without_quotes% ; msgbox without quotes %path_without_quotes% }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ActionConfig_Arguments() {} global return }
GUI_EVENT_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions() {} global GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_Cmd_Tab2_ListView_Activate() ; msgbox A_EventInfo %A_EventInfo%
if ( "DoubleClick" = A_GuiEvent ){} }
if ( "I" = A_GuiEvent ){} ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; If a row is selected, the if branch will be entered ; and the Action ID will be stored in this variable. ; ; If a row is deselected, then this variable will be cleared. ; ; Used for ; - Submit Button text in Command Popup's "Use Existing Action" tab ; - Submitting the Command Popup's input to GuiMain and _COMMANDS ; GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id := "" is_a_selection_event := InStr(ErrorLevel, "S", CaseSensitive:=true)
if( is_a_selection_event ){} LV_GetText(sel_act_id, A_EventInfo,1) GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id := sel_act_id ; debug := "gui tab2 actions selected row[" A_EventInfo "]" ; debug .= " id[" sel_act_id "] is_sel[" is_a_selection_event "]" ; debug .= " er[%ErrorLevel%]" ; msgbox, %debug% }
GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_ButtonSubmit_Refresh_Text() }
return }
GUI_EVENT_ButtonSubmit() {} global GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes() return }
GUI_FN_Cmd_Tab2_ListView_Activate() {} global ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures "Gui, " commands operate on the main GUI window ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; Gui, PopupConfig:Default ;---------------------------------------------------; ; This line ensures ListView commands "LV_..()" ; ; operate on this specific ListView ; ;---------------------------------------------------; Gui, PopupConfig:ListView, GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tab2_ListViewActions ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; see: ; ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- return }
GUI_FN_ButtonSubmit_Refresh_Text() {} global Gui, PopupConfig:Submit, NoHide button_text := GuiConfigPopup.get_submit_button_text() c := "GuiConfigPopup_ButtonSubmit" GuiControl, PopupConfig: Text, %c%, %button_text% return }
GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh() {} global Gui, PopupConfig:Submit, NoHide is_path_valid := false string_for_valid_label := "" c := "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath" GuiControlGet, path,, %c% is_valid_path := FileExist(path)
if( is_valid_path != "" ){}
if( GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder ){}
if( InStr(is_valid_path, "D") ){} string_for_valid_label := "(valid folder)" is_path_valid := true }
else if( GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp ){}
if( !InStr(is_valid_path, "D") ){} string_for_valid_label := "(valid file)" is_path_valid := true }
; msgbox % string_for_valid_label c := "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelVerified" GuiControl,, %c%, %string_for_valid_label% GuiConfigPopup._isPathValid := is_path_valid return is_path_valid }
GUI_FN_ToggleArgumentsIfNotApp() {} global Gui, PopupConfig:Submit, NoHide
if( GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp ){} GuiControl ,PopupConfig: -Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments GuiControl ,PopupConfig: -Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments1 GuiControl ,PopupConfig: -Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments2 }
else{ ; if GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder OR if uninitialized _____SUMMARY_END_____ GuiControl ,PopupConfig: +Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments GuiControl ,PopupConfig: +Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments1 GuiControl ,PopupConfig: +Hidden ,GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_LabelArguments2 }
return }
get_submit_button_text() {} global button_text := ""
;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This "tab_num" var won't be used for Action New or Action Edit, ; so we don't need an if branch checking "this._popup_mode" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; When this function get_submit_button_text() is called from __New(), ; the var "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs" won't be populated yet, ; but we can safely default it to "tab1". ;
tab_num := ("Use Existing Action" = GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs) ? "tab2" : "tab1" ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; The static class member var "text" ; is an associative array holding more associative arrays. ; ; It holds the text to display on the submit button ; using the kys of ; - type of config popup ; - purpose for popup ("add" or "edit") ; - (and for the Command popups, different text for each tab) ; button_text := ("command" == this._popup_mode) ;---------------------------- ; if Command config popup ? this.text["command_popup"][this._popup_purpose][tab_num] ;---------------------------- ; else, Action config popup : this.text["action_popup"][this._popup_purpose]
if( "tab2" == tab_num ){} ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; _LV_selected_action_id, updated on ListView selection events ; lv_item_actID := GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id
if( "" != lv_item_actID ){} ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; change "Use Action[]" to "Use Action[123]" on LV selection change ; button_text := RegExReplace(button_text, "^Use Action\[", "Use Action[" lv_item_actID) }
return button_text }
Submit_Changes() {} global Gui, PopupConfig:Submit, NoHide mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose
/* */ GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_1_GatherVariables() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyActionVars() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyCommandVars() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___ActionSubmit() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___CommandSubmit() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_4____Finalize_And_Close() */
GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_1_GatherVariables() varsOK := false success := false if("action" == mode) varsOK := GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyActionVars() if("command" == mode) varsOK := GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyCommandVars()
if( varsOK == "User notified to try again." ){} ; No errors, but Command name conflict. ; Cancel submit, keep popup open. ; return }
if( varsOK == false ){ ;then bug; _____SUMMARY_END_____ msgbox, 16, [ PROGRAM ERROR ], Failed to submit changes -- var verify failed. GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_DEBUG() return }
if("action" == mode) success := GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___ActionSubmit() if("command" == mode) success := GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___CommandSubmit()
if( success == "notified user of conflict, no errors" ){} return }
if( true == success ) GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_4____Finalize_And_Close()
if( false == success ){ ;then bug; _____SUMMARY_END_____ msgbox, 16, [ PROGRAM ERROR ], Failed to submit changes. GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_DEBUG() }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ alternate if branches, different paths but same functionality in fewer lines: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if("action" == mode) if true = GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyActionVars() if true = GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___ActionSubmit() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_4____Finalize_And_Close() if("command" == mode) if true = GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_2__VerifyCommandVars() if true = GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_3___CommandSubmit() GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_4____Finalize_And_Close() * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Submit_Changes_DEBUG() {} global mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose debug_out := "" debug_out .= "mode" "`n[" mode "]`n`n" debug_out .= "purpose" "`n[" purpose "]`n`n" debug_out .= "A_input_newAction_type" "`n[" A_input_newAction_type "]`n`n" debug_out .= "B_input_newAction_path" "`n[" B_input_newAction_path "]`n`n" debug_out .= "C_input_newAction_arg " "`n[" C_input_newAction_arg "]`n`n" debug_out .= "D_input_oldAction_id " "`n[" D_input_oldAction_id "]`n`n" debug_out .= "E_input_cmd_theCommand " "`n[" E_input_cmd_theCommand "]`n`n" debug_out .= "TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action" "`n[" TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action "]`n`n" debug_out .= "F_insertion_point_for_mainLV" "`n[" F_insertion_point_for_mainLV "]`n`n" msgbox % debug_out return }
Submit_Changes_1_GatherVariables() {} global
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note on scope and globals ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ABCDEF_vars + TAB_var (in table below) are all global ; ; and will be used in: ; - Submit_Changes_2_Action() ; - Submit_Changes_3_Command() ; ; The benefit of using single instance popups ; is we can safely use global variables instead of parameters. ; ; The only tradeoffs are : ; - (1) We need to be sure: these vars are unique and not edited elsewhere. ; - (2) We need to ensure: these vars are reset between Popup __New() calls. ; - (3) We cannot make multiple instances of these popups ; without refactoring these globals into this._class_members. ; ; For the scope and function of this app, this design works fine. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vars we need to be valid in order to submit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # var to store per input Overview of Each Popup & Input Used ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Gui Popup: Action | | purpose: add | [x] main.LV_selected_row A input_newAction_type | [✓] pop.newact.folder || B input_newAction_path | [✓] pop.newact.path C input_newAction_arg | [✓] pop.newact.arg | | purpose: edit F LV row data["LV_id"] | [✓] main.LV_selected_row A input_newAction_type | [✓] pop.newact.folder || B input_newAction_path | [✓] pop.newact.path C input_newAction_arg | [✓] pop.newact.arg D input_oldAction_id | [✓] | | | Gui Popup: Command | | purpose: add | | [x] main.LV_selected_row E input_cmd_theCommand | [✓] pop.cmd | TAB cmd_tab_is_new_action | if tab: add action A input_newAction_type | [✓] pop.newact.folder || B input_newAction_path | [✓] pop.newact.path C input_newAction_arg | [✓] pop.newact.arg | TAB cmd_tab_is_new_action | if tab: use existing action D input_oldAction_id | [✓] | | purpose: edit | F LV row data["LV_id"] | [✓] main.LV_selected_row E input_cmd_theCommand | [✓] pop.cmd | TAB cmd_tab_is_new_action | if tab: add action A input_newAction_type | [✓] pop.newact.folder || B input_newAction_path | [✓] pop.newact.path C input_newAction_arg | [✓] pop.newact.arg | TAB cmd_tab_is_new_action | if tab: use existing action D input_oldAction_id | [✓] | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [A,B,C,D,E,F,TAB] Which Popups use which of the var #s? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A : act.add, act.edit, cmd.add.tab1, cmd.edit.tab1 B : act.add, act.edit, cmd.add.tab1, cmd.edit.tab1 C : act.add, act.edit, cmd.add.tab1, cmd.edit.tab1 D : act.edit, cmd.add.tab2, cmd.edit.tab2 E : cmd.add, cmd.edit F : act.edit, cmd.edit TAB : cmd.add cmd.edit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose A_input_newAction_type := "" ; A ; all pop.act, all pop.cmd (if tab 1) B_input_newAction_path := "" ; B ; all pop.act, all pop.cmd (if tab 1) C_input_newAction_arg := "" ; C ; all pop.act, all pop.cmd (if tab 1) D_input_oldAction_id := "" ; D ; pop.edit all pop.cmd (if tab 2) E_input_cmd_theCommand := "" ; E ; all pop.cmd TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action := "" ; TAB ; all pop.cmd F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := "" ; F ; edit pop.act, edit pop.cmd
if("edit" == purpose){}
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If editing a Command or an Action ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; the original needs a valid insertion point ; in GuiConfigMain's corresponding ListView. ; ; Before the popup was rendered, the Action or Command ; was removed from _ACTIONS or _COMMANDS ; to make duplication-checking logic simpler below ; (and that entry will be added back, possibly modified, ; after successful Submit). ; ; Their entry inside their ListView is still there in the GUI, unaltered ; (but will be changed upon a successful edit) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
;---; ; F ; ;---; F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := GuiConfigPopup._LV_RowData_FromMainGui["LV_id"] }
if( "command" == mode ){} ;-----; ; TAB ; ;-----; TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action := ("Add New Action" = GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_Tabs) ? true : false ;---; ; E ; ;---; c := "GuiConfigPopup_Cmd_InputCommandName" GuiControlGet, cmd,, %c% E_input_cmd_theCommand := cmd ;------------------------------------- ; Command Tab2 "Use Existing Action" ;------------------------------------- ;
if( false == TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action ){} ; tmp := GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id ; msgbox in gather lv is %tmp% action_id := GuiConfigPopup._LV_selected_action_id
if( _ACTIONS.HasKey(action_id) ){} ;---; ;---; ;---; ; A ; ; B ; ; C ; ;---; ;---; ;---; A_input_newAction_type := _ACTIONS[action_id]["type"] B_input_newAction_path := _ACTIONS[action_id]["path"] C_input_newAction_arg := _ACTIONS[action_id]["arg"] ;---; ; D ; ;---; D_input_oldAction_id := action_id }
if("action" == mode or true == TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action){} ;---; ; A ; ;---;
if(GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioFolder){} A_input_newAction_type := "folder" }
else if( GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp ){} A_input_newAction_type := "app" }
;--------------------------------------------------- ; sets GuiConfigPopup._isPathValid to true or false ; GuiConfigPopup.GUI_FN_LabelPathVerified_CheckAndRefresh()
if( GuiConfigPopup._isPathValid ){} ;---; ; B ; ;---; c := "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputPath" GuiControlGet, path,, %c% B_input_newAction_path := path ; msgbox in gather path is {%path%} }
;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Only actions which open an application ; will possibly have a custom Argument provided by the user ;
if( GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_RadioApp ){} ;---; ; C ; ;---; c := "GuiConfigPopup_ActionConfig_InputArguments" GuiControlGet, userInputArg,, %c% C_input_newAction_arg := userInputArg }
if( "action" == mode and "edit" == purpose ){} ;---; ; D ; ;---; D_input_oldAction_id := GuiConfigMain._plucked_action["action_id"] }
; msgbox gather: path[%B_input_newAction_path%] ;-------------------------------------; ; A,B,C,D,E,F,TAB are now all set ; ;-------------------------------------; ; 1 - [✓] Gather Variables ; ;-------------------------------------; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes() ; ; will continue from here and: ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; 2 - validate the vars ; ; 3 - attempt to submit if all vars valid ; ; 4 - then if it all worked: close down the gui instance ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; return }
Submit_Changes_2__VerifyActionVars() {} global
/* */ A_input_newAction_type := "" ; A ; all pop.act B_input_newAction_path := "" ; B ; all pop.act C_input_newAction_arg := "" ; C ; all pop.act D_input_oldAction_id := "" ; D ; pop.edit all pop.cmd (if tab 2) F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := "" ; F ; edit pop.act */
mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose FAILURE := false SUCCESS := true USER_NOTIFIED := "User notified to try again." ;========================= ; Cancel if vars not set ;========================= ;---; ;---; ;---; ; A ; ; B ; ; C ; ;---; ;---; ;---;
if( "" == A_input_newAction_type or "" == B_input_newAction_path ){} ; it's okay if C_input_newAction_arg is empty return FAILURE }
if("edit" == purpose){} ;---; ; D ; ;---;
if( "" == D_input_oldAction_id ){} return FAILURE }
;---; ; F ; ;---;
if( "" == F_insertion_point_for_mainLV ){} return FAILURE }
;======================================================== ; Standardize Action Path (directory or app) string ;======================================================== ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Standardize paths like: ; "C:/somdir\another/dir" ; ; to have uniform backslashes and trailing slashes: ; "C:\somdir\another\dir\" ; p1 := B_input_newAction_path p2 := A_input_newAction_type ;---; ; B ; ;---; B_input_newAction_path := FILE_HELPER.Fn_Standardize_Path_String( p1, p2 ) ;======================================================== ; Check for identical preexisting Actions ;======================================================== found_duplicate_action := GuiConfigPopup.does_action_already_exist( "" . A_input_newAction_type , B_input_newAction_path , C_input_newAction_arg )
if( found_duplicate_action ){} inform_user := "Action already exists.`n`n" inform_user .= "Action[" found_duplicate_action "] is already configured to do this:`n" inform_user .= " Type:`t" A_input_newAction_type "`n" inform_user .= " Path:`t" B_input_newAction_path "`n" inform_user .= ("" != C_input_newAction_arg) ? " Arg:`t" C_input_newAction_arg : "`n`n" inform_user .= "`n`n" inform_user .= "No action taken." MsgBox,, [Duplicate Action], %inform_user% return USER_NOTIFIED }
;------------------------------------------------------; ; If this line is reached, then all vars are good! ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ; 1 - [✓] Gather Variables ; ; 2 - [✓] Verify Variables ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes() ; ; will continue from here and: ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; 3 - attempt to submit changes and (if succeessful) ; ; 4 - close down the gui instance ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; return SUCCESS }
Submit_Changes_2__VerifyCommandVars() {} global
/* */ A_input_newAction_type := "" ; A ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) B_input_newAction_path := "" ; B ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) C_input_newAction_arg := "" ; C ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) D_input_oldAction_id := "" ; D ; all pop.cmd (if tab 2) E_input_cmd_theCommand := "" ; E ; all pop.cmd F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := "" ; F ; edit pop.cmd TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action := "" ; TAB ; all pop.cmd */
; msgbox in verfcmd mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose is_tab_1 := TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action is_tab_2 := !TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action SUCCESS := true FAILURE := false USER_NOTIFIED := "User notified to try again." ;========================= ; Cancel if vars not set ;========================= ;-------------------------------- ; Tab1 -> "Add New Action" tab. ;
if( is_tab_1 ){} ;---; ;---; ;---; ; A ; ; B ; ; C ; ;---; ;---; ;---;
if( "" == A_input_newAction_type or "" == B_input_newAction_path ){} ; it's okay if C_input_newAction_arg is empty return FAILURE }
;--------------------------------------- ; Tab2 -> "Using Existing Action" tab. ;
if( is_tab_2 ){} ;---; ; D ; ;---;
if( "" == D_input_oldAction_id ){ ; error _____SUMMARY_END_____ return FAILURE }
;------------------------- ; Either Tab ;------------------------- ;---; ; E ; ;---;
if( "" == E_input_cmd_theCommand ){ ; error _____SUMMARY_END_____ ; If Command text is empty return FAILURE }
if("edit" == purpose){} ;---; ; F ; ;---;
if( "" == F_insertion_point_for_mainLV ){ ; error _____SUMMARY_END_____ return FAILURE }
;======================================================== ; Ensure Command (if renamed) is unique. ;======================================================== ;---; ; E ; ;---;
if( _COMMANDS.HasKey( E_input_cmd_theCommand ) ){} ; If another Command already uses this text usr_output := "Oops, there's already a command with the word or phrase:`n`n" usr_output .= " " E_input_cmd_theCommand "`n`n" usr_output .= "Either remove that command first,`n" usr_output .= "or try another phrase." MsgBox,,Duplicate Command, %usr_output% return USER_NOTIFIED }
;======================================================== ; If new Action: ; ; Standardize all Action path strings ; (a) So all path strings are uniform across the App. ; (b) To aid in comparisons searching for duplicates. ;======================================================== ;-------------------------------- ; Tab1 -> "Add New Action" tab. ;
if( is_tab_1 ){} ;======================================================== ; Format Action Path (directory or app) string ;======================================================== ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Standardize paths like: ; "C:/somdir\another/dir" ; ; to have uniform backslashes and trailing slashes: ; "C:\somdir\another\dir\" ; p1 := B_input_newAction_path p2 := A_input_newAction_type ;---; ; B ; ;---; B_input_newAction_path := FILE_HELPER.Fn_Standardize_Path_String( p1, p2 ) }
;------------------------------------------------------; ; If this line is reached, then all vars are good! ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ; 1 - [✓] Gather Variables ; ; 2 - [✓] Verify Variables ; ;------------------------------------------------------; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes() ; ; will continue from here and: ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; ; 3 - attempt to submit changes and (if succeessful) ; ; 4 - close down the gui instance ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------; return SUCCESS }
Submit_Changes_3___ActionSubmit() {} global
/* */ A_input_newAction_type := "" ; A ; all pop.act B_input_newAction_path := "" ; B ; all pop.act C_input_newAction_arg := "" ; C ; all pop.act F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := "" ; F ; edit pop.act */
mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose FAILURE := false SUCCESS := true USER_NOTIFIED := "notified user of conflict, no errors" popup_actionType := A_input_newAction_type popup_actionPath := B_input_newAction_path popup_actionArg := C_input_newAction_arg popup_actionID := ""
if( "add" == purpose ){} popup_actionID := _ACTIONS.Length()+1 }
if( "edit" == purpose ){} popup_actionID := D_input_oldAction_id }
;======================================================== ; Submit new or edited Action to _ACTIONS array ;========================================================
if( !_ACTIONS.HasKey(popup_actionID) ){} _ACTIONS[popup_actionID] := { "" . "type": popup_actionType , "path": popup_actionPath , "arg" : popup_actionArg } }
;======================================================================= ; Submit new or edited Action to ListView for Actions in GuiConfigMain ;======================================================================= ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tells future ListView operations to operate on this specific ListView control GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_Activate() LV_FAILURE := 0
if( "add" == purpose ){} options := "" LV_returned := LV_ADD( "" . options ; no options needed , popup_actionID ; row 1 , popup_actionType ; row 2 , popup_actionPath ; row 3 , popup_actionArg ) ; row 4 ; for debugging ; ; msgBOX lv %LV_returned% ; GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_DEBUG() ;---------------------------------------------- ; cancel submit, inform user, return to popup ;
if(LV_returned == LV_FAILURE ){} MSGBOX, Failed to add new action to ListView. GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_DEBUG() return FAILURE }
else if( "edit" == purpose){} modify_this_row := F_insertion_point_for_mainLV LV_returned := LV_MODIFY( modify_this_row , ; no options needed , popup_actionID ; row 1 , popup_actionType ; row 2 , popup_actionPath ; row 3 , popup_actionArg ) ; row 4
if(LV_returned == LV_FAILURE ){} msgbox, Failed to edit existing action in ListView. GuiConfigPopup.Submit_Changes_DEBUG() return FAILURE }
;---------------------------------------- ; Remove backup of (now) edited Action ;---------------------------------------- ; Making this variable empty will prevent ; ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnClose and ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnEscape ; ; from automatically restoring ; the old version of this Action ; ; when the GuiConfigPopup GUI is closed. ;---------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain.Discard_Plucked_Action() GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_UpdateAllWhichUseAction(popup_actionID) }
;======================================================================= ; Submit changes to Savefile (all above operations were successful) ;=======================================================================
;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax Reference ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; class: FILE_HELPER ; function: Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) ; ; p1: mode action|command ; p2: purpose add|delete|edit|enable|disable ; p2: action_id__or__cmd new Action's ID ; p2: cmd_name_before_rename not applicable here ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
p1 := "action" p2 := purpose p3 := popup_actionID p4 := "" savefile_updated := FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 )
if( !savefile_updated ){} MSGBOX, 16, ERROR WRITING TO SAVEFILE, [~] return FAILURE }
return SUCCESS } ; end of Submit_Changes_3___ActionSubmit()
does_action_already_exist(action_type, action_path, action_arg:="") {} global ;=========================================== ; return 0 if no Action matches this config ;=========================================== id_exists := 0
for id, action in _ACTIONS {} aType := action["type"] aPath := action["path"] aArg := action["arg"]
if( aType == action_type and aPath == action_path and aArg == action_arg ){} id_exists := id break }
return id_exists }
Submit_Changes_3___CommandSubmit() {} global
/* */ A_input_newAction_type := "" ; A ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) B_input_newAction_path := "" ; B ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) C_input_newAction_arg := "" ; C ; all pop.cmd (if tab 1) D_input_oldAction_id := "" ; D ; all pop.cmd (if tab 2) E_input_cmd_theCommand := "" ; E ; all pop.cmd F_insertion_point_for_mainLV := "" ; F ; edit pop.cmd TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action := "" ; TAB ; all pop.cmd */
mode := GuiConfigPopup._popup_mode purpose := GuiConfigPopup._popup_purpose FAILURE := false SUCCESS := true is_action_new := false is_tab_1 := TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action is_tab_2 := !TAB_cmd_tab_is_new_action popup_cmd := E_input_cmd_theCommand popup_actionType := A_input_newAction_type popup_actionPath := B_input_newAction_path popup_actionArg := C_input_newAction_arg popup_actionID := "" use_actionID := "" original_command_name := GuiConfigMain._plucked_command["command"] ;============================================================== ; Determine Action ID ; (if duplicate, use preexisting, don't make a new Action). ;============================================================== ;-------------------------------- ; Tab1 -> "Add New Action" tab. ;
if( is_tab_1 ){}
;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Determine Action ID - New or use Preexisting ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If user is on the "Add New Action" tab ; an unused ID will be assigned to the new Action. ; ; However, if the entire "Add New Action" config ; matches an identical preexisting Action ; that Action will be used instead of creating a new one. ;
use_actionID := _ACTIONS.Length()+1 duplicate_action_id_found := GuiConfigPopup.does_action_already_exist("" . popup_actionType , popup_actionPath , popup_actionArg)
if( duplicate_action_id_found ){} use_actionID := duplicate_action_id_found }
else{} is_action_new := true }
;--------------------------------------- ; Tab2 -> "Using Existing Action" tab. ;
else if( is_tab_2 ){} ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Determine Action ID -- use existing Action's ID ;-------------------------------------------------- ; use_actionID := D_input_oldAction_id }
;============= ; Action ID ;============= popup_actionID := use_actionID ; msgbox popup_cmd[%popup_cmd%] path[%popup_actionPath%] type[%popup_actionType%] ;======================================================== ; Submit Command (new or modified): ; to _COMMANDS array ;========================================================
;--------------------------------------------------------- ; Assign a key value pair in _COMMANDS ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If this is a new Command, ; then it has never been in _COMMANDS. ; ; If this is an existing Command being edited, ; then GuiConfigMain plucked it from _COMMANDS to ; simplify the code here. ; ; Key: ; This Command's phrase ; (stored in popup_cmd) ; Value: ; An associative array holding: ; Key: "enabled" ; Value: true or false ; (true if a new command, ; otherwise we'll use its original state) ; Key: "action_id" ; Value: The integer ID for the Action ; (currently stored in popup_actionID) ;---------------------------------------------------------
cmd := popup_cmd aID := popup_actionID is_enabled := ("add"==purpose) ? "true" : GuiConfigMain._plucked_command["enabled"] ;------------------------------------------------------ ; AutoHotkey Docs, Ternary Operator: ; ;------------------------------------------------------ _COMMANDS[cmd] := { "action_id":aID, "enabled":is_enabled } ;=================================================== ; Submit Command (new or modified) ; to GuiConfigMain's Command ListView ;=================================================== ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; This label ensures the next AHK ListView function ("LV_...()") ; will specifically use GuiConfigMain's ListView for Commands ;---------------------------------------------------------------- GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_Activate() ; msgbox cmd submit: purpose is [%purpose%]
if("add" == purpose){} options := "+Check" LV_ADD( options ; enable by default , popup_cmd ; row 1 , ; row 2 is always empty , popup_actionID ; row 3 , popup_actionType ; row 4 , popup_actionPath ; row 5 , popup_actionArg ) ; row 6 }
else if("edit" == purpose){} ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Update the Command's entry in GuiConfigMain's ListView for Commands ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- modify_this_row := F_insertion_point_for_mainLV ;[~] LV_MODIFY(modify_this_row , ; no options needed , popup_cmd ; row 1 , ; row 2 is always empty , popup_actionID ; row 3 , popup_actionType ; row 4 , popup_actionPath ; row 5 , popup_actionArg ) ; row 6
;---------------------------------------- ; Remove backup of (now) edited command ;---------------------------------------- ; Making this variable empty will prevent ; ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnClose and ; GUI_EVENT_GuiConfigPopup_OnEscape ; ; from automatically restoring ; the old version of this Command ; ; when the GuiConfigPopup GUI is closed. ;----------------------------------------
GuiConfigMain.Discard_Plucked_Command() }
;======================================================== ; Add if Action is new: ; ; Submit new Action to _ACTIONS array ; Submit new Action to GuiConfigMain's Action ListView ; Submit new Action to Savefile ;========================================================
if( is_action_new ){} ;======================================== ; Submit Action ; to GuiConfigMain's Action ListView ;========================================
if( !_ACTIONS.HasKey(popup_actionID) ){} _ACTIONS[popup_actionID] := {"type":popup_actionType , "path":popup_actionPath , "arg" :popup_actionArg } GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_AddNewAction(popup_actionID , popup_actionType , popup_actionPath , popup_actionArg) }
;======================================== ; Submit Action to Savefile ;======================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax Reference ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; class: FILE_HELPER ; function: Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) ; ; p1: mode action|command ; p2: purpose add|delete|edit|enable|disable ; p2: action_id__or__cmd new Action's ID ; p2: cmd_name_before_rename not applicable here ;------------------------------------------------------------------- p1 := "action" p2 := "add" p3 := popup_actionID p4 := "" savefile_updated := FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 )
if( !savefile_updated ){} MSGBOX, 16, ERROR WRITING NEW ACTION TO SAVEFILE, [~] return FAILURE }
;======================================================================= ; Submit Command (new or modified) ; to Savefile (all above operations were successful) ;======================================================================= ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax Reference ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; class: FILE_HELPER ; function: Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 ) ; ; p1: mode action|command ; p2: purpose add|delete|edit|enable|disable ; p2: action_id__or__cmd updated text for Command ; p2: cmd_name_before_rename old text before Command renamed ;------------------------------------------------------------------- p1 := mode p2 := purpose p3 := popup_cmd p4 := original_command_name savefile_updated := FILE_HELPER.Change_Savefile( p1,p2,p3,p4 )
if( !savefile_updated ){} MSGBOX, 16, ERROR WRITING COMMAND TO SAVEFILE, [~] return FAILURE }
return SUCCESS } ; end of Submit_Changes_3___CommandSubmit()
Submit_Changes_4____Finalize_And_Close() {} global GuiConfigMain.ListViewActions_ReadjustAllCols() GuiConfigMain.ListViewCommands_ReadjustAllCols() GuiConfigPopup.GUI_EVENT_OnClose() return }
;======================================================================= ; end of class: ; GuiConfigPopup (Popup from GuiConfigMain's first tab) ;======================================================================= }
create_listview_of_actions( GuiName, GotoFuncOnEvent, ControlNameForLV ) {} global options := A_Space "g" GotoFuncOnEvent ;"GuiConfigMain.GUI_EVENT_ListViewActions" options .= A_Space "v" ControlNameForLV ;"GuiConfigMain_ListViewActions" options .= A_Space "-checked +ReadOnly +AltSubmit -Multi" options .= A_Space "r20 w700" options .= A_Space "+LV0x10000" ; see: text_column1 := "Action ID" text_column2 := "|Action Type" text_column3 := "|Action Path" text_column4 := "|Action Arg for Programs" text := text_column1 . text_column2 . text_column3 . text_column4 Gui, %GuiName%:Add, ListView , %options% , %text% Gui, %GuiName%:Default Gui, %GuiName%:ListView, %ControlNameForLV%
for id, action in _ACTIONS {} action_type := action["type"] action_path := action["path"] action_arg := action["arg"] LV_Add(, id, action_type, action_path, action_arg ) }
return }