APIs, Manuals, Tutorials¶
Welcome to my documentation.
If you’re primarily here to look at my code, here are two annotated scripts I’ve prepared:
Whenever you see that arrow, it’ll fold or unfold a region of the page.
On this website, those arrows will never navigate you away from the current page. Presently, you’ll find those arrows in While browsing this website, you’ll come across sections that look like this.
Click either the text (or the arrow) to “unfold” the region and reveal the hidden text.
and Tip
boxes like this.
Or_you_will_find_them( inside_blocks_of_code ){}
Like := "this one! =] "
Have a great day, and enjoy.
Primarily this website is a portfolio for my code and writing styles.
But I’m definitely going to add more to this website and keep it online long-term.
I plan on uploading my notes, experiments, and tutorials for Godot here.
And as time permits, I plan on documenting the tool chains, pre-processing scripts,
post-processing scripts, and custom modifications I’ve used
to create this website under a Web